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Comment count is 25
stanleypain - 2006-10-23

The Flash Tub parody was amazingly spot on...

PrincessPeachesUnderpants - 2006-10-23

fake outrage

Crucifried - 2006-10-23

"I don't know how to play this game, I hate TMNT." And basketball, right?

TheSnake - 2006-10-23


Herr Matthias - 2006-10-23

Maybe you're just not very good at video games.

xenocide - 2006-10-24

TMNT 1 comes from a time when video games demanded more of their players. Like balls, you pansy.

SharoKham - 2006-10-24

It takes a lot of retardation for me to find myself siding with this awful game. Well done, nerd.

sudan no1 - 2006-10-24

PIZ'ZA SHIT! So torn between 5 and 1.

Testicles of Doom - 2006-10-24

Most people would've figured out how to walk across the gap he couldn't jump over. Dickwad.

afp3683 - 2006-10-24

The game was based off the early comic, sans Krang you angry little fuckhead.

Afgh - 2006-10-27

"Speakin' of hard-to-reach pizzas..." This guy is a comedy wizard.

TEDA - 2006-12-07

...you play with dog shit?

thebaronsdoctor - 2007-01-07

I never realized how spot on the Something Awful parody of this was until now

Caminante - 2007-02-05

I don't like this guy.

tamago - 2007-02-08

If I wasn't so busy laughing so hard, I would have given this fewer stars.

Wintermute - 2007-04-09

+1 for creative swearing at the end

LetsFistAgain - 2007-09-08

You haters dont deserve to wipe the jizz of the nerds atari porn.

Quad9Damage - 2007-09-15

Some of the Nerd videos are of higher quality than others, and they get progressively better if you watch them in chronological order. Five stars to counter the haters.

bopeton - 2007-12-09


I am pretty good at video games, and I remember that game being frustratingly difficult.

phalsebob - 2007-12-09

I think he's from NJ. I'd be fuckin angry too.

Hodge - 2008-05-23

+2 for stupidity and failure to understand the entire era.

Species - 2008-06-16

I can't even watch the whole thing. He's a douche, and sucks at this game.

poorwill - 2009-10-10


Riskbreaker - 2011-10-18

Some of the nerd videos are hit or miss, this one was good. But wait, this is popular on the internets, so maybe i should give it one star amirite?

Old_Zircon - 2012-10-22


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