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Comment count is 20
RocketBlender - 2010-06-07

Make sure you click the tab to up it to the highest quality for the true russet potato experience.

love - 2010-06-07

yaaay. up the res to 1080p without upping the bitrate enough to make it worth it. bullshittiest marketing maneuver ever. also, when the fuck is youtube gonna give fullscreen play without scaling. blah.

in other news, dongs.

love - 2010-06-07

sorry, the tatoes are awesome, it's youtube that makes my life shitty.

Redlof - 2010-06-07

Oh so that's what potatoes are.

Frank Rizzo - 2010-06-07

fuck yeah man! Those are some potatoes right there!!

fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap...

kennydra - 2010-06-07


Kumquatxop - 2010-06-07



Frank Rizzo - 2010-06-07

1080 POTATOES!!!!

memedumpster - 2010-06-08

Guys, this is just a video of rotating potatoes. You've seen them in more detail in real life.

Five stars.

RocketBlender - 2010-06-08

It doesn't get any more detailed than 1080p.

Camonk - 2010-06-08

No, that's just an optical illusion! If you look closely, you'll notice that the potatoes' relation to the background stays the same. It is the camera that's moving, NOT the potatoes!!

Jet Bin Fever - 2010-06-08

By reference, he means that this video will one day be viewed in the potatoless wasteland by our great great grandchildren... until they're eaten by mutated dogs of course.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2010-06-08

Well I'm sold.

Broose182 - 2010-06-08

What's, what's taters precious? What's taters?

tmavomodry - 2010-06-08

it's like I'm there

William Burns - 2010-06-08

Nothing like a stack of juicy, refreshing russet potatoes on a hot summer day.

chumbucket - 2010-06-08

ceci n'est pas une potatoes

Lauritz Melchior - 2010-06-08

The background music needs to be much, much louder.

ItsAboutTime - 2010-06-13

Putting the Po in POETV

Chalkdust - 2010-08-05

you say POETV, I say poe-TAY-vee-toes

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