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Comment count is 37
Comeuppance - 2010-06-17


Jet Bin Fever - 2010-06-17

Truly the pinnacle of achievement in digital fetishography.

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-06-17

WARNING: Rage Cage and Emerging from Sphere are very dangerous and should only be attempted by trained professionals.

Comeuppance - 2010-06-17

You really have to look out for those drop bears.

Pillager - 2010-06-17

Shame Cube, indeed.

Adramelech - 2010-06-17

Making Love blew my mind.

RocketBlender - 2010-06-17

Sphere emerging did it for me. Just couldn't last any longer.

memedumpster - 2010-06-17

The Arm.

Zarathustra00 - 2010-06-17

The Arm is going to haunt my dreams tonight.

Hubba Bubba Nightmare - 2010-06-17

I feel like this is a dupe, so withholding stars

RocketBlender - 2010-06-17

Generally speaking, people submit videos before becoming dupe nazis.

blood_visions - 2010-06-17

someone's been reading my jack off fantasy blog

FeeFiFoFoTheFifeFifeBrown - 2010-06-17


tmavomodry - 2010-06-17

sehr sexy!

Invincible Iron Iconoclast - 2010-06-17

I like Front 242's new direction!

Sudan no1 - 2010-06-17

Finally I CAN COME!

Simillion - 2010-06-17

Holy crap.

That video was an epic mindfuck.

And in no less than 1800 views, it is removed from youtube.

I hope someone can SAUCE this.

FeeFiFoFoTheFifeFifeBrown - 2010-06-17

You hope what now?

Simillion - 2010-06-20

By sauce, I mean I hope someone can track down the actual source for this thing. there's absolutely no footprint of it on google.

StanleyPain - 2010-06-17

WHAT someone flagged the video and now it's gone.

prang - 2010-06-17

It might be taken off youtube but it's still here: http://vimeo.com/10281433

Dread Pirate Roberts - 2010-06-17

Someone want to try and update the link? I keep trying, but POE gives me a weird "You must be logged in to update a link" bullshit, even though I AM logged in.

FeeFiFoFoTheFifeFifeBrown - 2010-06-17

Hey, the Vimeo link actually has background on the clip. Awesome.

Twitch - 2010-06-17

What with this and the black gay porn conspiracy code it should be 'Uncomfortable Erotica Week'.

I know these hipster jeans are bursting at the seams yet again thanks to some jackass's mad Poser skillz.

CornOnTheCabre - 2010-06-18

truly ahead of its time.

Triggerbaby - 2010-06-18

Better than actual sex.

erratic - 2010-06-18

it only gets better with age

Rudy - 2010-06-21


Derrida - 2010-06-22

I don't know what this is but it deserves to win every demoscene competition ever.

kennydra - 2010-06-23


chumbucket - 2010-06-24

Youtube has officially become self-aware

The McK - 2010-06-30

Pure magic from the crash-zoom on Homer's ball onwards.

spiteful crow - 2011-08-06


This is probably what hentai games look like on PCP.

Squeamish - 2013-06-17

Internet porn from the year 2030!

Gmork - 2013-06-17


Spaceman Africa - 2013-06-18


Waugh - 2014-06-26


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