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Comment count is 9
dementomstie - 2010-06-25

Cringevision: You should learn an important lesson like they do in this video, learn to use commas in the tags to separate them into working links.

HankFinch - 2010-06-25

I get jokes

Disaster - 2010-06-25

We know he's going to mistag things, not fix it and continue to pimp his channel everytime. Why do people keep voting these things up if it annoys them so much?

Comrade Admiral - 2010-06-25

you can't see tags or submitter information in the hopper

TeenerTot - 2010-06-25

This is how you fix that.

Disaster - 2010-06-25

Yeah but you could just click the video to be directed back to YT and see that it's cringevision. I know it would suck to do that for everything in the hopper but it's a good way to get rid of him.

Camonk - 2010-06-25

Even if it doesn't work, it feels good

Scynne - 2010-06-25

I want to get cringevision to conform to our retarded social etiquette, so I'll one this.

BHWW - 2010-06-25

Well, I thought it was funny - the acting here is even more wooden than in the "My book rack. I am upset that it has been knocked over." clip from this show.

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