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Comment count is 14
James Woods - 2010-06-27

I think what he's actually trying to ask is along the lines of, 'our military is probably capable of ending this 7 years ago, so why the fuck is this war dragging on?'. He either has no concept of the chaos that we would leave behind if we just killed all the baddies and left, or he's right and the populous has been sold the concept of this terrible potential chaos and this war is dragging the fuck on for some goddamn reason. oil. and now a jackpot of minerals that will add a trillion dollars to the economy. A fact they just told us about, having only discovered this TWO YEARS AGO officially. If the middle east wasn't constantly unstable the west would be fucked. Am I going to jail for saying that?

Meerkat - 2010-06-27

No wonder Bullfrog went out of business if the populous has been buying a bunch of stuff.

Camonk - 2010-06-27

Man you and SolRo should get together and share opinions.

With each other.

And no one else.

James Woods - 2010-06-27

But I like you so much Camonk. I just want you to know who I am.

James Woods - 2010-06-27

And for the record, I was being facetious trying to get into his crazy head. My opinion is actually the first one, that he has no idea what the war is actually about.

James Woods - 2010-06-27

Oh, and also for the record. My actual real life name is really James Woods, but there are a million people named James Woods so I figure it's equivalent to posting anonymously. I fucking hate Family Guy.

Camonk - 2010-06-28

It's cool man I secretly think you're better than SolRo

I also think oogaBooga is better than SolRo though so I mean

Syd Midnight - 2010-06-28

No he's just a jackass who believes any conspiracy theory he hears and therefore thinks the government and military have magical omnipotent powers, possibly related to the antichrist

Syd Midnight - 2010-06-28

Personally I think the CIA should start a GANG STALKING UNIT to follow Osama Bin Laden around him around everywhere, standing on the other side of the street from him, rearranging the contents of his refrigerator while he sleeps, and knocking his garbage can over

baleen - 2010-06-28

Those minerals are going to China, not us.

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-06-27

The shadowy cowboy with simplistic opinions from my dreams!

Camonk - 2010-06-27

Schwartzkopf did personally drop that bomb. But he was a man's man, Stormin' Norman.

phalsebob - 2010-06-28

Taliban troops have the red health bars over their heads whereas the good ones have green health bars.

I had a 'conversation' with someone years ago who insisted we could just shoot all the terrorists if we weren't collectively such PC pussies. I'd entertain you with his logic, but it's hard to remember pure gibberish.

Rudo Magnifico - 2010-06-28

yet another great username/video combination.

Bill's solution to the war in Afghanistan: boner

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