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Comment count is 22
chumbucket - 2010-07-26

f-you unmemorable! this show kicked canadian sci fi tv ass!!

urbanelf - 2010-07-26

I wanted to bone Maya so bad.

urbanelf - 2010-07-26

I also want to know that I am not alone in this feeling.

Meerkat - 2010-07-27

Forget Maya unless she turned into Sondra. Because seriously, Zienia Merton.

fedex - 2010-07-27

thats because the giant phallic-shaped spaceships subconciously implanted that desire in your prepubescent mind

Binro the Heretic - 2010-07-26

This show was one of the highlights of my childhood. I can still remember the killer tea-cart robot and the shape-shifting chick with those weird-ass eyebrows.

This was brought to us by the same team that gave us "Thunderbirds" and "Project: U.F.O."

hornung - 2010-07-26

i never watched this, but as a little tyke i had that spaceship as a die cast toy.
it was really well made, so 5 stars.

Binro the Heretic - 2010-07-26

I had the giant 3-foot-long plastic Eagle with a Martin Landau action figure and...one of the other non-Martin Landau guys as the copilot.

I wanted one of the die-cast models, but my folks couldn't find one anywhere. I really wanted the one with the working crane module.

chumbucket - 2010-07-27

I just recently tried to sell my die cast Eagle at a garage sale, along with a Star Trek Enterprise die cast (the one that shot plastic torpedoes from the command disc). To my elation, no one bought them.

TeenerTot - 2010-07-27

I have the lunchbox. So I'm cool too.

Oktay - 2010-07-28

I have three airfix models, three 12 inch Product Enterprise models, one Dinky diecast (waste disposal), a lunch box, a pack of Space: 1999 gum, the first issue of the comic with the record, and a Koenig action figure. I have various 3D models as well as the Orbiter add-ons. I am obsessed with this show and The Eagle is my favorite space ship in all sf. Now you know.

K. Brass - 2010-07-26

That is a pretty nice theme.

I've never watched an episode of Space:1999, but I seem to remember that fans of the show hated the second season when it turned from fairly serious science fiction melodrama to goofy space monster fights.

FABIO - 2010-07-26

but enough about Twin Peaks

MrBuddy - 2010-07-27

As usual, the guys putting up the money for the show screwed everything up. "You know what this show needs? Monsters! People always expect monster fights in these outer space type drama shows."

Stars are for the childhood memories and having a Space: 1999 lunch box.

duck&cover - 2010-07-26

Good combination of classical and disco themes. Nice lazy-susan action on Barbara Bain.

StanleyPain - 2010-07-26


Meerkat - 2010-07-27

Also f.u. unmemorable. Dragon's Domain was the awesomest episode of anything ever.


Crispy Space Critters.


Oktay - 2010-07-28

Yeah... I couldn't go back to my room after watching it because the corridor was too dark.

cognitivedissonance - 2010-07-27

Martin Landau and Barbara Bain both left Mission: Impossible to make this. And, Leonard Nimoy replaced them.

Pre-movie-bounce-back period was weird for Star Trek actors.

papa_november - 2010-07-27

this is pretty much the nbsg op


Meatsack Jones - 2010-07-27

Anything that power dives from classical orchestration to waka-chika's in one beat, can have all the stars it desires.

OgreMkIV - 2010-07-27

Liked this show, but not nearly as much as UFO. It lacked that element of being completely off about future society. No automatic bars in every office, no copious smoking, no executives in Nehru suits or one-piece jumpsuits as business wear.

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