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Comment count is 46
EskimoSpy - 2010-11-04

Why did the cops taser him? I mean I wasn't exactly sad to see that douche get what he deserved, but from a professional standpoint that's pretty shitty.

Adham Nu'man - 2010-11-04

Builds character.

takewithfood - 2010-11-04

That's actually textbook police training. You're supposed to rush in with nothing but shouting. Try not to enunciate clearly; you want your words to just sort of slur together into an incomprehensible bellow. "GEDDONNAGROUNGEDDONNAGROUN!!" like that. Studies have shown that irate/drunk/drugged people respond more quickly to this sort of shouting, especially if one or more of your partners is shouting something completely different at the same time. Do this for no more than about 2.5 seconds before shooting whichever device you happen to have drawn, regardless of the subject's actual response.

spikestoyiu - 2010-11-04

If you couldn't make out "get on the ground", you're either deaf or stupid. This clown should have been tasered fifty more times, just to be sure. Not only did he attack people who were just trying to get down with a five dollar footlong and maybe some baked Lays, but he ripped the phone out of the wall once the employees attempted to call 9-1-1.

takewithfood - 2010-11-04

Don't get me wrong - I don't really feel sorry for the guy.

Rudy - 2010-11-04

I'm just happy he pronounced nuclear correctly.

Goofy Gorilla - 2010-11-04

Because drugged-up rednecks are always carrying dirty knives and cops DO NOT WANT TO DEAL WITH IT.

HP Lovesauce - 2010-11-04

I dunno, that guys seem to the inspiration for the taser.

fatatty - 2010-11-04

Let's feel bad for the old people tased by overzealous douchebag cops. Let's rejoice in the douchebags getting tased by overzealous cops.

catpenis27 - 2010-11-04

In California it's a felony to rip out the phone cord if someone's trying to call 911. I know a guy that did 6 months for that alone. Besides, if I'm trying to order a sandwich and some fucknut starts acting like this, and makes it impossible for me to get the sandwich, he deserves everything the cops want to give him.

spikestoyiu - 2010-11-04

I'm glad we could all come together on this highly important issue.

Old_Zircon - 2010-11-05

I ate at Subway today for the second time this year because of this video.

takewithfood - 2010-11-05

How was it?

Chizmurder - 2010-11-05


Wombles - 2010-11-07

There is a law that if you are not wearing a shirt in public you are subject to tasering.

Adham Nu'man - 2010-11-04

I love the confused, innocent look on his face when the cops show up. "But, but, but why?!?"

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2010-11-04

Its kind of muffled but I heard him say "Someone told me he was involved in a terrorist conspiracy"

dancingshadow - 2010-11-04

Who got the money ?

spikestoyiu - 2010-11-04

I would hope the cops.

chumbucket - 2010-11-04

reason to take off shirt #32934

fatatty - 2010-11-04

Somehow I knew that was coming. I was very sad that I was right.

Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2010-11-04

The noise he made while being tasered.

Hay Belly - 2010-11-04

That was my favorite part. What a puss.

oswaldtheluckyrabbit - 2010-11-04

the master race

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2010-11-04

Should have gone to Togo's instead.

Old_Zircon - 2010-11-04

Cops with tasers doing it right for a change.

I wish I could understand what he's saying to the cops at the end. I could make out something about someone telling him the Subway(?) was involved in a terrorist something-or-other.

Riskbreaker - 2010-11-04

Real taser justice.

PhunkThisNoise - 2010-11-04

All this over a challenge to a dance-off?

I bet I could take him.

Also: the clapping.

kingarthur - 2010-11-04

Saturday night in rural burgs across the country.

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-11-04

Asking the cops if it's okay to get a refill?

glendower - 2010-11-04

It's the small touches that make a video like this great, like when the guys fill up their sodas by the cops at the end.

Toenails - 2010-11-04

When the perp was talking to the cops, I distinctly heard him calling someone a "terrorist".

Also, this must have been the first time ever a bystander recording a takedown wasn't being a smart alec to the cops.

Oscar Wildcat - 2010-11-04

He wasn't a bystander; he was accosted by the guy. Hence this magic moment of youtube history. I vote for paranoid delusions brought on by methamphetamine abuse.

Old_Zircon - 2010-11-05

I don' know, the impression I got was "drunk, stupid and angry". He kind of had a MMA look about him, too. Maybe a bit of 'roid rage in the mix?

spikestoyiu - 2010-11-05

I dunno -- that punch he threw was pretty, pretty terrible, and his takedown defense sucked. I vote for garden variety drunken redneck.

Comeuppance - 2010-11-04

Only Glowstick the Barbarian can do the "walk away" gesture and have it work.

Imitators will be tasered and humiliated next to the cold cuts.

CornOnTheCabre - 2012-08-17

These are important life lessons.

1394 - 2010-11-05


Chizmurder - 2010-11-05

Fuck YEAH!

Longshot- - 2010-11-05

My stars are for the "little girl crying" sounds he makes at the end. Who knew one shot from a taser would turn you from a 230lb raging man into a 7 year old little school girl.

spikestoyiu - 2010-11-05

If he's 230, my dick is eight inches long.

petep - 2010-12-24

if he's 180 my dick is

CornOnTheCabre - 2012-08-20

(i knew)

JimL2 - 2010-11-06

I fucking knew this was going to take place in Texas I fucking KNEW it. http://www.poetv.com/video.php?vid=76790

klingerbgoode - 2011-10-12

That's what I call a nuclear sub.

The Mothership - 2015-12-02


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