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Desc:You really want to run around looking like this Madonna person?
Category:Educational, Humor
Tags:heavy metal, drugs, Madonna, EIT, worse than dare
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Comment count is 20
Robin Kestrel - 2010-12-07

Lot of runny noses around here. Just sayin'.

Riskbreaker - 2010-12-07

Nothing has changed regarding drug information to teenagers.

mamiebangs - 2010-12-07

This is one of my all-time favorites. The whole thing is on youtube.

revdrew - 2010-12-07

Psychedelic heroin

citrusmirakel - 2010-12-07

You can get pretty violent on that.

hornung - 2010-12-07

Shit, that's White Shadow isn't it?

If he can save Salami, he can save our kids.

VoilaIntruder - 2010-12-07

Stars for remembering White Shadow. Now there's five of us.

Bort - 2010-12-07


There's an old skit from SCTV (maybe) called "The Dark Shadow", about a black basketball coach and his team of white kids. The coach is always doing drugs, getting students pregnant, etc. and the kids have to teach him life lessons. I need to find that.

Rudy - 2010-12-08

Well, you six guys and the nation of Turkey:

http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/10/sports/basketball/10whitesha dow.html

dododge - 2010-12-12

Seven here.

The full show has a ton of 80s regulars including Richard Masur, Paul Winfield, Ned Beatty, Elliott Gould, Marla Gibbs, Bonnie Franklin, Susan Sullivan, and Melissa Gilbert among others. In some bizarre coincidence that list includes three SAG presidents: Masur, Gilbert, and White Shadow who is currently in office.

Bonus: real-life substance abuser Adam Rich plays one of the kids.


Crackersmack - 2010-12-07

How the hell do you smoke weed out of a frisbee?

You'd never be able to get high without your dog thinking it's time to outside and play. It's kind of mean to mess with your dog like that.

Xenocide - 2010-12-07

Greetings, adults. It is time to share information on the latest rock music lyrics.

I have noticed an upswing in the tendency for male rock music "singers" to mention a desire to touch certain parts of the female anatomy. Perhaps they wish to touch them with drugs.

We should continue to monitor these song recording lyrics to see if they reveal their secrets.

In addition, a recent entry into the popular song music dance lyrics involves a female of child-bearing age who notes, and I quote, "they're playing my song, the butterflies fly away. Nodding my head like yeah, moving my hips like yeah."

It is imperative that we determine which drug "the butterflies" refers to, and how much nasal discharge it causes. Please continue to observe the most up-to-date compact disc pressing entertainment lyrics for further drug treachery. Ending computer email device transmission.

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-12-08

The only thing this video is missing is the stiff, painfully awkward attempt at rap.

sosage - 2010-12-08

For PCP being the first thing that came to mind for that one chick. No wonder her friends say she can be a little intense.

Xiphias - 2010-12-08

oh god not a runny nose

charmlessman - 2010-12-08

That guy comes off pretty high and mighty for someone who does brain slugs with Kahn.

Time Travel Mishap - 2010-12-08


Time Travel Mishap - 2010-12-08

bah i had that spaced out like on the shirt but oh well its close enough now

Squeamish - 2010-12-09

Remember: Share information on the current "rock music" lyrics.

hammsangwich - 2011-04-02

They got into some pretty heavy metal, but used gateway bands like White Snake and Poison before moving on to stuff like Metallica and Anthrax.

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