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Comment count is 15
HeWhoWalksWithTigers - 2011-03-25

Wow...Trailer Park Boys is real.

glasseye - 2011-03-25

He's like half the characters of that show rolled up into one.

Triggerbaby - 2011-03-25

Ramp Van and Trailer Park Boys had a baby.

charmlessman - 2011-03-25

Ray's going to die of old age at 145.
Before then he's going to punch out a buffalo, swan dive off the Golden Gate Bridge, rape a tiger, eat an entire bolder and be king of Botswana for 5 glorious years.

Oktay - 2011-03-25

I keep thinking "it's not a good idea to keep egging on that poor old senile fella, at his age he can easily die doing things like that." Then 7:44 rolls around. To Alcohol, eh? The cause of, and the yadda yadda yadda.

jangbones - 2011-03-25

And here I always pictured Canadiens fans as effete, merlot-sipping Francophones. This guy screams Leafs fan all the way...

Hay Belly - 2011-03-25

SCTV, KiTH, Norm MacDonald, Will Sasso???

HeWhoWalksWithTigers - 2011-03-25

Hey, if you were a Leafs fan, you'd drink like that too.

Koda Maja - 2011-03-25

That's a lot of snow for California.

split tail - 2011-03-25

I never had this much fun watching evel knievel.

Also, redneck armchair!

Scynne - 2011-03-26

I like this guy.

Killer Joe - 2011-03-26

I like his crash helmet.

spiteful crow - 2011-03-26

My new life's goal is to be at least 1/14 this cool when I'm 80.

Kumquatxop - 2011-03-29

this video begins with the phrase 'confidence antler,' and from there somehow gets BETTER

andybrownie - 2011-03-31

I'm canadian and we do this sort of thing all he time

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