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Comment count is 8
baleen - 2011-04-03

Counter-cultural morons ruin everything.

memedumpster - 2011-04-03

Onion... dammit!

fatatty - 2011-04-03

Save the noodles! Eat the rich!

positively - 2011-04-03

The word "noodles" is funny.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-04-03

This guy has a message the workers of the world can unite behind. They need to REKOGNIZE that if they don't want to cooperate with us, they're AGAINZST us.

NewHeavenSalesman - 2011-04-03

Alot of the conservative blogs this is on include a story about how the penniless founder of NOODLES had to max out ten credit cards to start his first shop.

Capitalism 1, Lenin 0.

Konversekid - 2011-04-03

I really dislike how these people don't understand Marx well enough to realize that the revolutions in Africa and the Middle East are liberal revolutions to remove autocratic powers, not worker's revolutions to remove liberal hierarchies. They all seem to think that this is an international socialist movement, when all they can really gain from these uprisings is possibly a stronger support for revolutionary action in their own endeavors.

baleen - 2011-04-03

Which is why the left threw the American Socialist party away in the 30's.

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