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dystopianfuturetoday - 2011-05-31

Santorum (from the Oxford dictionary of English)

1. The frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex.
2. Senator Rick Santorum.

Oscar Wildcat - 2011-05-31

Tampons can stop Santorum.

phalsebob - 2011-05-31

Mr. Santorum probably feels like the victim here, as if by no fault of his own he was targeted for vicious and unfair treatment. Let me tell you, that dog was dispensing justice.

cognitivedissonance - 2011-06-01

Yes, make fun of his dumb name and not the creepy dead baby incident.

Robin Kestrel - 2011-06-01

In 1996, Rick and Karen Santorum had son born prematurely* who lived for only two hours. He and wife brought the child home and introduced the dead infant to the rest of their children as �your brother Gabriel� .

They spent several hours kissing and cuddling Gabriel with his three siblings, ages 6, 4 and 1 1/2. They took photos, sang lullabies in his ear and held a private Mass. Rick and Karen slept with the body overnight. The former Senator often speaks of his late son in the present tense.

*Rick and Karen were appalled to see him described as "a 20-week-old fetus" on a hospital form. They changed the form to read "20-week-old baby."

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