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Comment count is 11
Jet Bin Fever - 2012-03-07

British people always look like that when they speak.

Quad9Damage - 2012-03-07

"This video contains content from NBC Universal, who has blocked it on the grounds that a 2 minute uploaded clip will somehow cost billions of dollars in losses and bankrupt studios."

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-03-07

oh jeez, that was fast. I just watched it like an hour ago.

StanleyPain - 2012-03-07

I watched it on the website of some station called NBC. There was a commercial for them before the clip which is good because I honestly had never heard of them before. Did you know this show is produced by a major television network? I'd never even heard of NBC before I saw the ad for them!

memedumpster - 2012-03-07

Since this video doesn't work, your proof of the existence of this "NBC" is based on faith and I will have nothing of it.

FABIO - 2012-03-07

I'm still trying to find a way to upload X-files clips from netflix instant without FOX taking them down in 5 minutes (none of the old flip tricks work anymore).

You'd think more people getting to see fun little clips would lead to more DVD sales for them.

That guy - 2012-03-07

I will see if I can find it somewhere else when I get a chance.
It was blocked shortly after it left the hopper.

Oktay - 2012-03-07

"Oooh! An old Conan clip! Better watch it when I'm done, so I can enjoy it."

Worth noting: one of his other two videos is also an old Conan clip. Except it's a lame sketch. Also worth noting: an old Conan clip posted three years ago got yanked as soon as it got here, but another old Conan clip from the same channel is still up.

Hay Belly - 2012-03-07

What the hell is this you're all a bunch of grandmas.

Hay Belly - 2012-03-07

Do you remember the time we watched that Conan clip? It was when ol' Teddy was in office and I got a case of the French pox from that sailor.

That guy - 2012-03-08

As Oktay said, there's little logic to which old Conan clips get pulled, and which don't. Our page had a relatively high Google presence for no good reason, as well.
I couldn't find another of the same video anywhere. Anyone with better internet skills than me [most poetv-ers] is welcome to try.

The best thing I found while searching, which I've summarized here, is "Why to join the Cult of Connelly" propaganda:
Reason #1: Jennifer Connelly can actually act.
Reason #2: Jennifer Connelly has a brain.
Reason #3: Jennifer Connelly doesn�t have any movie star syndromes.
Reason #4: Jennifer Connelly is all natural with no preservatives.
Reason #5: Jennifer Connelly has never gone blonde.

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