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sasazuka - 2013-06-25

USD = University of San Diego, whose wifi and electricity she mooches off.

The USD library seems to be very tolerant of paranoid schizophrenic homeless wackos using their facilities. If I were in charge, I'd have banned her the first time she posted a crazy video with "USD" in the title.

sasazuka - 2013-06-25

Also, if you watch pretty much any of her long form videos when she's in her tent talking to the camera for 29 minutes (since she repeats herself so often, another symptom of paranoid schizophrenia, you really only need to watch one or two of these videos to get the gist of her), she talks about how she is a honest woman who breaks no laws. What, not even California Penal Code section 632 against recording people's conversations without their consent? http://law.onecle.com/california/penal/632.html

Granted, you never actually hear much of anything on the videos she posts claiming you can hear other people saying "gangstalking" around her, but the intent of her wearing the secret recording device on her bra (shudder) is clearly in violation of 632.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-06-25

The incoherent third-person ranting in the description is almost endearing in a Torgo-like way.

sasazuka - 2013-06-25

Oh, read anything she writes, she pretty much always refers to herself in third person.

sasazuka - 2013-06-27

Note to "Oogaboogan", I find it hilarious that she demands rock solid evidence Youtube's Copyright ID database can scan and match for infringing copyright material, a simple process, but she'll parrot, repeatedly, every ridiculous claim made by tinfoil-hatted lunatics on gangstalking blogs, late night radio shows, or self-published books. It's like her paranoid schizophrenia-riddled brain adheres to the polar opposite of Occam's Razor, the more absurd assumptions there are to any claim, the more likely she is to believe it.

Go ahead, though, give her proof that stacks up to her exacting standards. Strap a digital recording device to your underwear and record random people talking from such a distance that you can't hear what anyone except you is saying, and then say it's incontrovertible proof that Youtube scans automatically for copyright violations.

sasazuka - 2013-06-27

To put it another way, it's perfectly rational to believe that computers on satellites can use remote neural monitoring while this woman sleeps in her tent in a gully to predict her daily routes and then transmit signals to thousands of people in San Diego implanted by the Syndicate with microchips to activate their post-hypnotic suggestion to repeat the obscure term "gangstalking" on the MTS bus, at UCSD libraries, at the Club Med cafeteria, at Ralph's supermarket, at Best Buy, and so on just so she knows she's being monitored, but if you dare suggest that a computer with a database of recorded music might be able to recognize a piece of recorded music in a video (despite there being websites like Midomi.com that can identify music just by humming), well, that's just crazy talk. You've been reading too many science fiction novels, Oogaboogan!

sasazuka - 2013-06-28

Ah, Oogaboogan, looks like she doesn't want to be trolled, so she's started a brand new Youtube account no troll will possibly ever find. at http://www.youtube.com/user/exposingsdpd3

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