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Comment count is 10
Koda Maja - 2013-12-15

Robin Williams-bot and Fisher Stevens in brownface are at it again.

candyheadrobot - 2013-12-15

Ugh. My child brain remembers that guy being Indian without question. I actually feel kind of sick. Oh well, I knew he couldn't skate or hack for that matter. Fucking fraud.

memedumpster - 2013-12-15

That torpedoed my fondness for the first one right the fuck out of the water. What a douchebag.

Caminante Nocturno - 2013-12-15

This is the one where Johnny 5 gets ripped apart and/or adopted by a Latino street gang.

Sanest Man Alive - 2013-12-15


boner - 2013-12-16

This is the most Toronto-looking movie I've ever seen, they didn't even try to make it look like New York.

Also Siskel & Ebert gave this two thumbs up

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2013-12-16

I fucking hate both of these movies and resent the people that made me watch them.

The Mothership - 2020-08-07

You clearly have strong feelings on the Johnny 5 issue.

Nikon - 2013-12-16

I will forgive Fisher Stevens for this, as I still respect him for his work in Hackers and the Super Mario Bros. movie.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-12-21

I loved Johnny 5 as a kid. I was a very dumb kid.

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