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Comment count is 26
That guy - 2015-09-26

One of my friends texted me the promotional picture of this show because he knew I would hate it.


Cena_mark - 2015-09-26

I'll bet they are clues. This show looks ripe with intrigue.

EvilHomer - 2015-09-26

"A body" of clues. Heehee.

infinite zest - 2015-09-26

Wow! A story of a person running from a past that's unknown, each tattoo on their body getting one step closer to the truth.

Nope, that's never been done before. In other unrelated news, Christopher Nolan has been in meetings with NBC representatives about a new pilot, in a soundproof room without cable or internet, so it won't possibly get leaked, for an hour every monday at 10 (9 central).

That guy - 2015-09-26

It was the one that in the upper right corner says:

Piecing together her past.
One tattoo at a time.

wtf japan - 2015-09-26


I hope they spend an episode investigating a Dale Earnhardt memorial tattoo.

infinite zest - 2015-09-26

After the statue of liberty is saved from destruction, a Tupac tat is discovered on her left arm and a Biggie tat on her right.

Also a gecko tat on her foot, which she traces back to Freshman Year at Arizona State. This show has endless possibilities.

Sanest Man Alive - 2015-09-26

I wouldn't say limitless, unless she suffers horrible burns in a later season finale and requires skin grafts... with ALL NEW mysterious tats!

Also, if NBC really wanted to milk this premise, they would've cast a fat girl so they'd have more to work with.

Binro the Heretic - 2015-09-26

You're not using proper stupid TV logic.

After they decipher all the regular tattoos, they'll find new tattoos that only show up under UV light.

And then they'll take an X-Ray and discover tattoos made on her organs with contrast dye.

Jimmy Labatt - 2015-09-26

I love you all. Five stars for The Intimidator.

BHWW - 2015-09-26

Still, I, uh, don't mind Jamie Alexander. I watched it and for action-adventure network TV it wasn't bad, for something obviously greenlit because of the success of NBC's "Blacklist" i.e. "The Show That's Kind of Lame but James Spader is Cooler than the Rest of Us Humans Even When He's Fat and Balding".

This also stars Sullivan Stapleton, which is interesting to note because one of NBC's other new action-type series The Player stars, besides Wesley Snipes, Philip Winchester, who co-starred with Stapleton on "Strike Back", the British/American produced action series which was shown on Cinemax, the fifth/last season airing recently. That premise is also kind of ridiculous, with Snipes overseeing a vast operation devoted to preventing crimes for the amusement of international high-rolling One Percenters who bet on the outcomes.

That guy - 2015-09-26

If you're going to decide whether or not to watch a mediocre show based on whether it has a hot girl on it, you're going to need to watch about 30 hours of tv a day.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-09-30

It's a ridiculous show. It's NOT a mediocre show. Based on the pilot, the action scenes are great. The characters are fairly believable, within the context of this unbelievable premise. A shoot-out inside the statue of liberty? Come on, that's pretty cool.

And she's more than a hot girl. She's a hot girl covered with tattoos who is convincing in a martial arts fight scene and is nude for much of the time. Think I'll watch part 2 on Hulu right now!

Binro the Heretic - 2015-09-26

This might have been interesting to me as a movie, but as a series, it just makes me think it will be a long hard slog with little reward.

Binro the Heretic - 2015-09-26

Shit! I forgot to make a lame joke about how the mastermind will turn out to be a guy played by Bruce Dern.

It's an obscure reference and barely worth looking into.

That guy - 2015-09-26

hipster scum

infinite zest - 2015-09-27

Bruce Dern! I still haven't seen Nebraska but I hear he's really good in it. But yeah, I get your reference (puts on glasses with no lens)..

Thing is, there's already a movie like this and it's called Memento. There's some differences- Guy Pierce tattoos himself with clues while he can still remember what happened before his amnesia kicks in again and a few other spoilery things that I won't get into- but this is borderline plagiarism. Oh well, Christopher Nolan himself went on to make a movies about a man who dresses up like a bat and fights crime. Some of the bad guys' names are even the same for crying out loud!

TeenerTot - 2015-09-27

Not just Momento--there was a TV series where a guy laid out his jailbreak plans *in his tatoos* and the whole series was about slowly, sloooowly, putting the plan in motion.

Binro the Heretic - 2015-09-27

I'm still angry I watched part of "Tattoo" and it's been decades since I saw it.

I'd never heard of it before and never saw any advertisements for it, so I didn't know what I was getting into. It came out in 1981. I was eleven at the time and back then it was easier to keep kids from seeing ads for adult movies. It came on TV late one night and I started watching it.

When it went from being about tattoos to being about a psycho stalker/kidnapper/rapist I went, "What the fucking fuck?" and switched it off.

I was reminded of "Tattoo" a few years after I saw it when someone described the plot of "Boxing Helena" and told me I had to see that.

I told them there was no fucking way.

infinite zest - 2015-09-27

"Edited for time and content" or not, it must've been weird seeing films on TV that dealt with extreme violence, drugs, rape or existential crisis when most prime time TV shows at the time (as far as I know) got about as violent as The A-Team, or made references to "drugs" but never really showed what kind. I mean, that's the network norm now, but even when I was growing up (I was born in '82) I remember certain 90s TV milestones like NYPD Blue breaking thematical ground that would shock the Network TV watching world (I think the use of the word "rape" in a crime drama was a big one in-and-of-itself), and that's NOTHING compared to the basic premise of Tattoo.

infinite zest - 2015-09-27

On that same note though, did you ever happen to catch the original 80s TV version of Scarface? I had a DVD with a few select scenes as extras, but I heard they cut out all references to cocaine including the one at the end, which takes place with Pacino face down in a mountain of.. uhh.. sugar water?

magnesium - 2015-09-26

How many "special ops" super ninjas does the US government have in its employ at any given time? Television and movies leads me to believes there at least a few hundred.

EvilHomer - 2015-09-26

Apparently they spent so much money on spec-ops ninjas that they had to make due with hiring the most skittish and cowardly Bomb Squad guy on the planet.

That guy - 2015-09-26

They should make a show about hundreds of spec-ops super-ninjas encountering terrible, underfunded public services in every aspect of their lives.

infinite zest - 2015-09-27

There is that DC Comics sitcom that's sort of like a parody of The Office. I can imagine that show being full of jokes like Superman being sued for sexual harassment because he accidentally left his x-ray vision on and saw Batman's dick, got drunk at office party and went off about the codpiece.. The Green Lantern's Mad Men pitching approach never working because every time he says "The Elephant in the room" a green Elephant appears in the room and causes havoc.. this show writes itself!

But I like your ideas better. Basically the later seasons of The Wire with spec-ops super-ninjas? I'm sold!

infinite zest - 2015-09-27

Also why would you want to blow up the statue of liberty? Really it's like blowing up a lighthouse that doesn't work anymore.

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