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Old_Zircon - 2018-03-03

I got Windows 97 on a warez compilation CD from Camodia back in 98 or 99, but it wouldn't install and I never thought much of it. I still have the burned CD-R copy I made of the original disc someplace, even (the disc was actually commercially manufactured with packaging and everything, but it was just a bunch of cracked web design and graphics utilities downloaded off Usenet... plus Windows 97). It turns out my mistake was that I tried to install it (the CAB files are corrupted so I assumed it was just partial data stuck onto the CD as an afterthought so they could put Windows 97 on the file list), because the download link that the person who made this video provided is about the same size as what I have on my CD-R, so apparently it only runs in live CD mode and isn't even a complete version of Windows - the story I had always heard was that it was Windows 95 with the splash screen and other text hacked to say Windows 97 and then sold openly as a real product in the parts of the world where you could get away with that back then, but I guess even that was giving it too much credit.

Anyhow, this is exciting for me because I've always been fascinated by Windows 7, if only because almost nobody would admit it existed for well over a decade and the people who did know about it just had hazy, unverifiable memories of relatives in Asia using it back in the 90s. I casually looked a copy every few years from maybe 2008 until 2015 but never had any luck before today.

cognitivedissonance - 2018-03-04

I love the range of our weird little enthusiasms. You folks always make me smile.

Old_Zircon - 2018-03-04

Finding this video totally made my day yesterday, which is good because I started it by reading Youtube comments and about 10 minutes of that is enough to ruin anyone's faith in humanity.

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