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Desc:The resemblance is uncanny. Can Maury uncover his cheating ways?
Tags:South Park, maury, trash tv, Mrs. Crabtree, Mr. Slave
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Comment count is 16
The Townleybomb - 2010-03-11

Why would he ever cheat when he's got that to go home to?

Neurotic - 2010-03-11

It is a mystery

Scynne - 2010-03-11

It's actually pretty obvious. A recent study shows that men of a low IQ are more likely to cheat. This man's cheating is clearly an unfortunate result of genetic and environmental circumstances that led to his lower IQ score. This matter is entirely out of his control.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/science-news/7339654/Intell igent-men-less-likely-to-cheat.html

BorrowedSolution - 2010-03-11

Less likely to cheat, or less likely to get caught?

James Woods - 2010-03-11

Jesuth Chrith

fourthguy - 2010-03-11


Meerkat - 2010-03-11


frau_eva - 2010-03-11

The teaser for the next segment looks like a winner as well. The bullshit explanations cheaters come up with really is the best part.

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-03-12

I'll bet she makes those exact same noises during sex.

dek863 - 2010-03-12

My favorite part is when Maury laughs in her face.

oogaBooga - 2010-03-12

Oh she does have eyes. But theyre entirely black.

phalsebob - 2010-03-12

If you watch more than two hours of this show at one sitting, your soul fractures in two. You become immortal, but at a terrible price.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2010-03-12

Harriet from Small Wonder hasn't aged well.

Quad9Damage - 2010-03-12

What really floors me is that these people think these lie detector tests are so pinpoint accurate.

nemeses9 - 2010-03-12

Would anyone smarter than that go on these shows to begin with?

Spoonybard - 2010-11-26

~5:00 in profile, the guy reminds me of Jonathan Frakes

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