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Comment count is 9
Bort - 2013-07-31


hentaiwolf - 2013-07-31

A true showing of spduecificity.

Ghoul - 2013-07-31


La Loco - 2013-07-31

Can i has television?

Nikon - 2013-07-31

Cats also seem to like the original Japanese "Iron Chef" show. Bright colors, chopping knives, etc.

BHWW - 2013-07-31

I'll get it, one of these days I'll get it.

Nominal - 2013-08-01

It knows what that music means.

Xenagama Warrior Princess - 2013-08-01

One of our cats has a thing for the documentary "Rise of the Black Wolf" every time it comes on. She will plop her but down in front of the T.V. or jump on the nearest couch and watch intently until a commercial comes on. Then she plays with a paper ball. When it comes back on, she doesn't stop staring. It reminds me of a goal-focused toddler.

That and she seems to like the dressage competition at the Olympics.

Syd Midnight - 2013-08-01

Had a cat that would watch "Lassie" every morning and talk to the dog. Also enjoyed "Born Free", the movie about lions, and tried to converse with them. Otherwise she completely ignored the TV.

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