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Desc:Documentary about Vatican facilitation of child rape, focusing on a catholic school for the deaf.
Category:Religious, Crime
Tags:documentary, rape, Child abuse, pedophilia, catholic
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Comment count is 13
misterbuns - 2013-10-12

Interesting subjects, solid production value, but man, those dramatization sequences really cheapen the documentary ethic of this.

really trashy filmmaking.

misterbuns - 2013-10-12

Interesting subjects, solid production value, but man, those dramatization sequences really cheapen the documentary ethic of this.

really trashy filmmaking.

misterbuns - 2013-10-12

Interesting subjects, solid production value, but man, those dramatization sequences really cheapen the documentary ethic of this.

really trashy filmmaking.

misterbuns - 2013-10-12

holy shit. im sorry guys. no clue how that happened.

Nominal - 2013-10-12

Now post that 3 times in front of a mirror.

memedumpster - 2013-10-12

You out poeJesus'd baleen!

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-10-12


EvilHomer - 2013-10-12

Interesting subjects, solid production value, but man, those dramatization sequences really cheapen the documentary ethic of this.

really trashy filmmaking.

Scrimmjob - 2013-10-12

The deaf woman housekeeper of the pedo priest sounds like a monkey. Otherwise pretty depressing.

misterbuns - 2013-10-12

money lady was high point for me too.

it's pretty sad eraserhead was molested.

StanleyPain - 2013-10-12

Interesting subjects, solid production value, but man, those dramatization sequences really cheapen the documentary ethic of this.

really trashy filmmaking.

Spaceman Africa - 2013-10-12

Interesting subjects, solid production value, but man, those dramatization sequences really cheapen the documentary ethic of ethic of ethic of ehic off ehtifj ehtiioo offdfssdgfdfcvvbbbnnjjnjjxcj10101010101101101010101010

Shoebox Joe - 2013-10-12

Interesting subjects, solid production value, but man, those dramatization sequences really cheapen the documentary ethic of this.

really trashy filmmaking.

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