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Desc:Rich and Mike come up with dumb ideas for the Han Solo movie that will probably prove accurate.
Category:Classic Movies, Classic TV Clips
Tags:Star Wars, Disney, han solo, red letter media, rlm
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Comment count is 14
Old_Zircon - 2017-07-19

I am remaining neutral in the RLM culture wars because on one hand I'm pretty tired of them (almost as tired of them as they seem to be of themselves) but on the other hand, the opposition seems to be operating under the misguided belief that there was some kind of golden, edenic age when critics weren't mostly horrible.

chumbucket - 2017-07-19

I'm with you on this. I'm just so tired of these. How about sticking to the baseline job: talking about movies? Was that too dry for everyone?

Two Jar Slave - 2017-07-19

RLM puts out good stuff and bad stuff. No need to pick a side. That said, this video is dull.

Old_Zircon - 2017-07-19

And, I mean, they're still better than Leonard Maltin.

Nominal - 2017-07-19

I do not mind shitting on the present need for endless backstories, origin stories, prequels, and checklist callbacks.

Pillager - 2017-07-19

Oscar worthy mugging.

Dr Robot - 2017-07-19

Whenever it's time to dump a girl, I put on Space Cop and wait for them to leave.

BHWW - 2017-07-19

I did like them using a picture of Clint in place of Ron.

BHWW - 2017-07-19

Ron uses a similar setup Jabba used for the Rancor to keep Clint locked up, only releases him when he has an acting role to show up for.

namtar - 2017-07-20

How can you tell when RLM needs more money? They put out a Star Wars video five months before any Star Wars movie is released.

Nominal - 2017-07-20

A movie predictions video before we're saturated with trailers giving away the entire plot? That's kind of the whole point.

SolRo - 2017-07-20

These guys are only funny when they're talking shit about a movie in a review.

None of their attempts at intentional comedy are good, including the 'comedy' story bits at the start of reviews.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2017-07-20


Nominal - 2019-05-05

The worst people on the site hate RLM, which makes it the anti Tim & Eric, which makes it great!

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