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Desc:Locally broadcast children's entertainment is a veritible hotbed of madness
Category:Classic TV Clips, Educational
Tags:insanity, farm, ytv, PJ Katies Farm, Crayola Model Magic
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Comment count is 21
Dinanukht - 2010-10-05

I think I might be in love.

Old_Zircon - 2010-10-06

The hostess is kinda cute, too.

Rofl Lobster - 2010-10-05

Ah YTV. Growing up in Canada wasn't so bad.

Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2010-10-05

i was always positive this woman was trying to make children feel smart by comparison.

Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2010-10-06

Also this woman is a product of Sudbury, Ontario.

The Mothership - 2010-10-05

Yup, that's odd.

RomeoGunn - 2010-10-05

So awful.... but funny story PJ Katie lives in the same city as me now and she spends a lot of her time at this run down bar trying to pick up younger guys... somehow her plastecine animals didn't bring her lasting fame.

snothouse - 2010-10-05

And where is this bar?

C. Eloi Marx - 2010-10-05

So the question remains: have you, Romeo?

The McK - 2010-10-05

And by "have you", we mean "have you screamed |PJ KATIE'S FARM PJ KATIE'S FARM at her until she took a swing at you".

Ah, l'amour.

dancingshadow - 2010-10-06

hahaha... seriously tho where's this bar?

RomeoGunn - 2010-10-07

Haha no I have not, but I think for poe I might have to. By the way if you hear that an ex television host in Canada brutally beat a man in a Sudbury bar, you'll know I succeeded. (Yes I outed myself the bar is called The Townehouse in Sudbury, Ontario.)

Spoonybard - 2010-10-05

This is not complete without her going PJKTYSFRMPJKTYSFRMPJKTYSFRM!

Also, the description is a little off, unless "locally" is taken to mean "throughout the nation of Canada"

The McK - 2010-10-05

Yeah, the fact that this kind of jackassery was being broadcast from Ontario did a lot to reaffirm the East-West divide.

Corman's Inferno - 2010-10-05

1:12 - Ah yes, I too had Crayola's Dalek Funtime Christmas playset.

cognitivedissonance - 2010-10-06

I saw this, due to Canadian channels being available in the Seattle area at the time. It came on at the same time as Bob Ross if I recall.

Rosebeekee - 2010-10-06

My namesake at 0:51

dancingshadow - 2010-10-06

YES ! That's a good hit of nostalgia.

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-10-06

I want to have a threesome with this woman and Sarah Silverman.

Squeamish - 2010-10-06

I'm not sure any man would be able to deal with the amount of hyperactive shrieking their voices would create.

Scynne - 2010-10-06

I loved the shit out of this show!

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