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Desc:a Lightweight calls a district office in Oregon for the wifi password... then tries to sell jerky.
Category:Humor, Educational
Tags:Drunk, beef, schools, dial, Calls
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Comment count is 14
chumbucket - 2011-11-03


Broc - 2011-11-03

haha yeah, i saw that last night after i made the video. i of course put it as a reply.

buttnutt - 2011-11-03

That's a tasty pyramind scheme

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2011-11-03

is that the platform masters guy???

kingofthenothing - 2011-11-03

It does sound like a drunk Ulillillia. I fear what would happen to his game if he ever got smashed.

Enjoy - 2011-11-03


BillLumbergh - 2011-11-03

pot and alcohol, one hell of a combination.

The Townleybomb - 2011-11-03

This is way better than the title indicates. And the title indicates that it is pretty awesome!

catpenis27 - 2011-11-03

I drink way too much. 3 tall cans = a 6pack, and I'm not bragging about how much I can drink, but I am incredibly jealous of people who can get a buzz off of that much. If I could get drunk off let's say 2 bottles of wine, my life would be a lot easier and less expensive.

Mother_Puncher - 2011-11-03

Then you need to switch to mad train wine and quit pussy-footing around with booze elitist garbage.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2011-11-03

I get drunk off one can of Mike's Hard Lemonade.


catpenis27 - 2011-11-03

I'm actually trying not to drink Night Train anymore. It tastes fine and I get fucked up, but it gives me diarrhea and takes away what little dignity I have.

kamlem - 2011-11-03

*salvia noise*

Billy the Poet - 2011-11-03

God, I know a guy just like this. I'm not friends with him anymore.

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