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Desc:Perhaps the single stupidest thing the WWF ever did, and that says a lot. The audience haaaates it.
Category:Classic TV Clips, Arts
Tags:Crap, wwf, turkey, pro wrestling, colossal failure on all accounts
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Comment count is 21
Hooper_X - 2007-03-07

Dunno what's sadder; that Hector Guerrero was THIS underused, or how hard Piper and Co. try to shill

zatojones - 2007-03-07

When a WWF crowd thinks something is stupid, it's more stupid than you could ever imagine

athodyd - 2007-03-07

It probably didn't do it any favors when they suggested it might be a Playmate. Bait... and switch!

Rozetta - 2007-03-07

Go easy, Minnesotans: I know Goobledygooker LOOKS like a good candidate for governor,..

kingarthur - 2007-03-07

Someone, most certainly, lost their job over this.

SebastianMelmouth - 2007-03-07

I like that it took Piper about two and a half minutes to recognize "Turkey in the Straw."

DrCrypt - 2007-03-07

"The kids are going nuts! They love him!"

simon666 - 2007-03-07

bonus pts for Jean Okerlund. "LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING MEAN JEAN!"

C. Eloi Marx - 2007-03-07

"San Diego Chicken eat your heart out, we got ourselves a Gobbledygooker!"

minimalist - 2007-03-07

Hard to think of this as anything other than a prank on gullible wrestling fans

Stopheles - 2007-03-07

I've always wondered what the crowd expected to come out of a GIANT EGG.

xenocide - 2007-03-07

How many people paid Pay-Per-View 24 bucks to see what was in that egg? Poor bastards.

fluffy - 2007-03-08

If wrestling were always this ludicrous I might actually be interested in it.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2007-03-08

American Pro-Wrestling reached its peak right here.

Testicles of Doom - 2007-03-08

The Kids Are going nuts!!... WITH RAGE.

lolcoolj - 2007-03-08

Worth it to see Mean Gene bite the mat off the ropes.

Daughters of Uzbek - 2007-03-11

Say what you will, the Hot Scot earns his paycheck.

ChocFullOfFunk - 2007-03-13

WWF meets Samuel Beckett.

blackbetta - 2007-03-26

The stupidest thing to ever happen in Hartford, Conn.

bopeton - 2007-05-10

Just when you thought it couldn't get any dumber, it doesn't. Wrestling is always stupid.

The McK - 2007-07-05

"Gobbbledygooker" sounds like an extremely confused racial slur.

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