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Desc:Guy can legally do this, yet his girlfriend cannot get the late term abortion society demands..
Category:Stunts, Educational
Tags:Redneck, guns, idiocy, Wasteful
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Comment count is 15
Old_Zircon - 2014-12-07

I see no reason he shouldn't be able to legally do this.

Kabbage - 2014-12-07

Good to know - if you ever need to dispose of a gun, microwave it for 25 minutes.

James Woods - 2014-12-07

This video is very cathartic. You destroyed your stupid toys. :)

Gmork - 2014-12-07

I was picturing it on its side, revolving. For that extra ounce of danger.

fedex - 2014-12-07

now THATS russian roulette!

you could even paint little black and red squares around the edge of the platter

yogarfield - 2014-12-07

Dude, you have cameras, rings, and can afford to microwave guns, so surely you can afford some god damn lotion.

#ashyhands #typicalaggie

SolRo - 2014-12-08

We don't do hashtags here. Show yourself out.

That guy - 2014-12-08


yogarfield - 2014-12-08



Sudan no1 - 2014-12-08

five for #excitingnewwaystotrollSolRo

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-12-08

Oh no, now it can't shoot the enemies of freedom!

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2014-12-08

4:50 for the money shot.

chumbucket - 2014-12-08

Don't worry, the nation will make more.

Binro the Heretic - 2014-12-08

Welp, I saw the title of this video and thought, "Oh, dear lord, no."

Guess I'm not a redneck.

Prickly Pete - 2014-12-09

Redneck? More like scientist!

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