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Comment count is 9
Chancho - 2017-03-24

Not watching but five stars for the massive waste of human lifetimes spent on this helpless retard

Sexy Duck Cop - 2017-03-24

I watched about five seconds before thinking "I'll bet that room is hilariously empty and the crowd is hilariously ugly." That's a weirdly specific request, yet literally two hours later found this video IN 3-D VIRTUAL REALITY. I looked around the room and my bizarrely on-the-nose dream came true as I learned that, indeed, it was an empty room with five dorks in it.

chumbucket - 2017-03-26

Stars for SDC's strange yet amusing prescience. What is also jarring about the 3d is the room looks like some low budget dungeon and dragons set.

Nikon - 2017-03-24

Chris-chan is the gift that keeps on giving. Auto five stars for his idiotic shenanigans.

Sexy Duck Cop - 2017-03-25

Can I just keep stressing how funny it is that there's a virtual reality version of this lecture?

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2017-03-25

I have more respect for CWC than these guys

MacGyver Style Bomb - 2017-03-25

"The truth is, I think it might be A-Logs all the way down. It isn’t a stretch to imagine that KF members are acting out of the same insecurity that motivated A-Log; that by ridiculing those they perceive as mentally ill or sexually deviant, KFers feel functional and successful by comparison. By putting these people up on their forums, they reject the notion that they themselves might share anything in common with their targets. And that works, so long as everyone remains anonymous and pretends not to care too much either way. A-Logs put the lie to the rationalizations that make Kiwi Farms a comfortably consumable entertainment product."

http://nymag.com/selectall/2016/07/kiwi-farms-the-webs-biggest -community-of-stalkers.html

Redford - 2017-03-25

This is pretty much 100% true.

Also, keep in mind that the people who write and maintain the CWC wiki view their work as a favor to Chris. Their logic is that by bringing him into the public spotlight, they have added interest into his life and have created a cautionary warning for other people who would dare perform chirs-like behaviors.

So remember kids, learn from the lesson Chris as taught us - if you ever taste your own semen for any reason, it instantly makes you gay because only gay people enjoy semen.

Maggot Brain - 2017-03-25

Grossly fascinating

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