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Desc:Pro-Apple blogs call them 'vandals' while pro-MS blogs call them 'pranksters'
Category:Science & Technology, Religious
Tags:Microsoft, Windows, apple, logo, Apple Store
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Comment count is 16
Caminante Nocturno - 2011-06-07

5 for the woman at the end casually taking a picture and walking away.

DrDoalot - 2011-06-07

The world most boring prank.

Tom Collins - 2011-06-07

The least interesting Apple viral

Xenocide - 2011-06-07

Oh shit, my computer's shutting down on its own! No, wait, that's just the video.

Innocent Bystander - 2011-06-07

In the war between nerds and geeks, there are no winners.

SolRo - 2011-06-07

technically, it's the war between geeks and hipsters.

zerobackup - 2011-06-07

Nerds are hipsters - except with no fashion sense or girlfriends
Hipsters are nerds - except with no tech knowledge or...that's all

SolRo - 2011-06-07

Forgot '-except with no real jobs' for hipsters.

WHO WANTS DESSERT - 2011-06-07

In the war between people who build their personalities around their operating systems, the only winning movie is not to play.

phalsebob - 2011-06-07

I didn't think MS had fans, just people with habits.

TeenerTot - 2011-06-07

I pop into CNET every other day and check out the latest Apple/PC flame wars. You'd think that folks posting on a tech site would produce marginally more intelligent posts than found in YouTube comments. You'd think.

Cheese - 2011-06-07

Man, you Windows guys sure have a lot invested in your operating system.

chumbucket - 2011-06-07

and we were supposed to tell this was going to be an Apple store? ok

Robin Kestrel - 2011-06-07

This whole Mac versus Windows battle started back in 1982, in John Carpenter's The Thing.

riedquat - 2011-07-30

Holy shit, you're right

oddeye - 2011-06-07

No one who knows anything about computers would use a mac anyway.

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