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Desc:95 out of 100 cases flipchart will beat powerpoint. Start deeply talking about that topic.
Category:News & Politics, Accidents & Explosions
Tags:powerpoint, swiss people, switzlerland
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Comment count is 12
Burnov - 2011-07-13

First world problems.

catpenis27 - 2011-07-13


Burnov - 2011-07-13

I would be much more convinced if Chris Farley was explaining this to me.

memedumpster - 2011-07-13

Typical white elitist drawing attention away from the global menace of Microsoft Ribbon, which has been oppressing minorities since Hitler invented it to kill the Jews.

Raggamuffin - 2011-07-13

Powerpoint presentations take all day to make, and nine times out of ten the speaker just reads what it says on the screen.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2011-07-13

what!? this isnt some kind of joke?? I was expecting some kind of comic skit where he tries do make an anti-powerpoint presentation without powerpoint and hilarity ensues.
I was guessing it would be a viral ad for powerpoint

Burnov - 2011-07-14


This was pretty hilarious... especially that swashbuckling flourish he makes at the end when he strikes that diagonal line across the top of his bar graph.

He's like a swedish Michael Scott.

Burnov - 2011-07-14

Oh, also the eyebrow near the end...

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2011-07-14

I think this guy is a subtle troll, like the 25 foot (or whatever) rule guy

notascientist - 2011-07-14

Powerpoint kills astronauts.

http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/1012935/microsoft-pow erpoint-fingered-space-shuttle-crash

chumbucket - 2011-07-14

1 hour meetings don't typically have 3 hours of time pal

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-07-19

I wish I had the time to care enough about some stupid bullshit like this to make a political party.

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