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Comment count is 5
sasazuka - 2013-08-13

You do see bewbs in the even-more-explicit OVA series, he's only reviewing the TV series which was "cleaned up" a bit for late night TV. (Waste of time, watch the OVAs instead.)

EvilHomer - 2013-08-13

He does mention the OVA, briefly, right at the end. The "Threesome Practice Scene", naturally.

blue vein steel - 2013-08-13

I will never watch the OVAs instead. You are a bad person. thank you Japan for having enough incest centric cartoons that they can have a "king of"

EvilHomer - 2013-08-13

The reviewer is fairly thorough, but for some strange reason, he neglects to mention the two best characters: the 23 year old virgin teacher, a busty, pillow-fucking otaku cosplayer who fantasizes about her male students getting gay raped by Sengoku-era samurai warlords, and the teacher's yandere-nympho kid sister, a full-on loli who is by far the sluttiest character on the show, and spends most of her time fellating various food objects.

It's quite a touching show, really.

Pope Caius - 2013-08-13

Since I watch incest ecchi for the storylines, I'll be giving this a pass.

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