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Comment count is 17
Gunny McRifleson - 2015-04-26

He did a great job with his voice.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2015-04-26

Johnny Depp has one of the biggest ranges of any actor. I didn't even recognize him when I first saw this yesterday.

Cena_mark - 2015-04-26

Fantastic range, but he seems to have been stuck in quirky mode since Pirates.

Gmork - 2015-04-26

Finally, a movie that will be good because of the content, not the effects budget and nostalgia factor.

fedex - 2015-04-26

you mean like Depp acting as Jack Sparrow acting as Hunter Thompson?
Which has been his schtick the last 15 years?

yeah, me too!

fedex - 2015-04-26

oops, dat was a reply to fluffy

Gmork - 2015-04-26

And everyone who enjoys any cult movie on any level is a moron. Gotcha.

Gmork - 2015-04-26

well, we both suck

fluffy - 2015-04-26

Holy cow, I'd forgotten that he actually had the capability to act in a way other than just acting out.

Maggot Brain - 2015-04-26

At lest he's not wearing a stupid hat.

Nominal - 2015-04-26

Been listening to a lot of old Opie & Anthony clips lately (mostly for Louis CK and Patrice O Neal spots) and it was funny listening to a show from 2006 where they all start talking about how Johnny Depp never makes terrible movies.

Maggot Brain - 2015-04-26

Do you know where that story about Patrice drinking breast milk is? I've been trying to find it off and on for years now.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2015-04-26

Johnny Depp never stopped being a good actor, he just started doing bad movies.

misterbuns - 2015-04-26


That guy - 2015-04-26

These two things are kinda the same. Repeatedly choosing bullshit when you have the power to make better stuff makes you a bad actor, even if it doesn't lessen your acting skills.

garcet71283 - 2015-04-27

By that reasoning, Ben Kingsley and Sean Connery are two of the worst actors in history.

That guy - 2015-04-27

Kingsley picks some legit projects. Connery does not.

But, yeah, by my reasoning, an actor sucks if he uses his skills to make bullshit and cash the checks. Once you hit that A-list, you have to flex your muscle to make good stuff sometimes or you're just a fucking whore.

Johnny Depp doing bad movies and cashing the check makes him a crap artist. Ditto with Harrison Ford, Denzel Washington and so on.

Being a celebrity who stays on top of the A list, and being a good actor (artist) are competing concepts.

Add on to that how A-listers never play a character, just themselves, and they're just a bunch of cardboard cutouts.

This would be Johnny Depp trying to work his way back to being an artist, and to stop selling commemorative cups at McDonalds.

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