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Comment count is 6
Chicken the Did - 2020-04-20

The internet, but in person so you can kick its ass.

Nominal - 2020-04-20

Also the med student questioning Gene Wilder in Young Frankenstein.

duck&cover - 2020-04-20

Good thing that they don't kick him in the head.

Binro the Heretic - 2020-04-20

Was Brainy the only smurf the other smurfs named ironically?

I remember when Papa smurf gave Sickly smurf that "magic potion" that turned out to be smurfberry jam and he turned out to not be so sickly once he had confidence in himself. Did Brainy start out really smart and something happened to make him an incompetent bumbler?

TeenerTot - 2020-04-20

He's been dropped on his head dozens of times.

Nominal - 2020-04-21

Brainy used to be a smart, promising up and comer in the tiny communist village.

Then he got a hold of a bunch of Ayn Rand literature and became the hated myopic objectivist we all know (and boot).

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