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Comment count is 26
casualcollapse - 2020-09-10

I angrily tweeted at Kennedy after watching this so I guess that's something

Two Jar Slave - 2020-09-10

1. I believe actions speak louder than words, and refuse to concede a scenario where words are used to intentionally deceive a population, resulting in many preventable deaths.
2. I haven't read this thing. I don't know what you're talking about. You say it's been world news for days, but I'm simply not caught up on my homework.
3. I can only speak subjectively, from my own experience. I have no expert opinion to offer outside of my fee-fees. Perhaps I don't believe in expertise at all; "to each their own" is good enough for me when it comes to matters of state, matters of science, and matters of conscience.

Forget politics; this guy just looks incredibly unprofessional. If a mechanic talked this way about my shitty car I'd push it to the next place.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-09-11

He looks like he wants to die. I also want him to die, so at least we agree about something.

If desperate flailing ever becomes an Olympic event, Kennedy will be Mark Spitz... or JESSE OWENS! ; )

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-09-11

Five stars for referencing Jean-Paul Sartre, and for fucking up his attempt at a killer burn. "Those psychic hotlines made the so-called experts look responsible." We already knew that.

Aernaroth2 - 2020-09-11

Even better is how they line up crackpots who muddy the waters of analysis and declare them experts, so that in a best case they can win over people in defiance of a preponderance of evidence or consensus, and that in a worst case even when their 'experts' get debunked they can point to them and say "see, you've got 'experts' saying a whole bunch of wild stuff, who can trust 'experts' anyway?!"

That, as well as all the other weasel efforts in this example (relying on personal experiences as the only reasonable point of reference when the facts are not in your favor, declaring you've been taken out of context when called on your bullshit, etc.) are deliberate rhetorical attempts to destabilize a common point of reference for 'reality' for everyone, so that a useful narrative can be reinforced with supporters, regardless of how out of touch it is. That helps promote the "team sport" politics we see today, and which Void71 alluded to.

casualcollapse - 2020-09-11

You make a loop de loop and pull
And your shoes are looking cool
You go over and back, left to right
Loop de loop and you pull them tight
Like bunny ears or a Christmas bow
Lace them up and you're ready to go
You make a loop de loop and pull
And your shoes are looking cool

just off yourself Kennedy

TeenerTot - 2020-09-11

yup. evil.

exy - 2020-09-11

All the chuds are hearing is, "but you won't let me finish!" De rigeur.

Void 71 - 2020-09-11

In modern American politics, nobody cares what their leaders say as long as they hurt the people who support the other team. Trump is going to win because the people who support him are at war with the people who vote Democrat, and they truly believe that leftists want them dead and their history erased. It's no longer a matter of right and wrong. It's a matter of sides.

Also, this needs a 'fish lips' tag.

Crackersmack - 2020-09-11

It makes sense to vote to harm the people that you think have screwed you over, if you aren't given the option to vote to improve your material conditions.

ashtar. - 2020-09-11

This sounds suspiciously like someone from The Other Team would say.

Hazelnut - 2020-09-12

What totally unexpected responses from Ashtarsmack

teethsalad - 2020-09-12

you two should just kiss already

ashtar. - 2020-09-12


Nominal - 2020-09-12

Failed Mitch McConnell clone that's about to revert back to amniotic goo?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-09-13

>>>In modern American politics, nobody cares what their leaders say as long as they hurt the people who support the other team. Trump is going to win because the people who support him are at war with the people who vote Democrat, and they truly believe that leftists want them dead and their history erased. It's no longer a matter of right and wrong. It's a matter of sides.

Opening Act: Void 71 and the Void-Roids

This is all speculation, but I submit that the SILENT MAJORITY of Trump Supporters, who are not Neo-Nazis, QTards, or raging Keyboard Warriors, who aren't
making an ass of themselves at Sams club because they dont want to wear a mask, who don't believe that they are racists, but who don't understand how deep the Roots really go (get it?), these people started out knowing just two things about Donald Trump:

He's the infallible business genius from The Apprentice

He won in 2016 against all expectations, embarassing the mainstream media.

Its not hard to see how that would make him a folk hero in the flyover states. In a generalized way, the resentment some rural Americans have toward the way they have been treated by the media is understandable. It can get old seeing yourself as the violent hick in every rape/revenge movie.

Of course, supporting Trump because you're fed up with people thinking you're stupid is the kind of irony Sophocles could admire.

betabox - 2020-09-13

And yet you use the term "flyover states."

Anaxagoras - 2020-09-13

Yes, yes he did. Because it's a great catch-all term for all those shitty states that you never want to actually visit. (Hence the name.)

The fact that it really annoys the fly-over residents is an added bonus.

betabox - 2020-09-13

Wow. You really are a piece of shallow shit.

Maybe it's time this country just gets nuked so we can start over.

SolRo - 2020-09-13

The flyover states should. They’re so fucking dumb that they can’t be rationalized with anymore. They live in a whole other dimension.

ashtar. - 2020-09-14

It's kind of weird how acceptable naked classism and regionalism are amongst coastal liberals.

They may be dumb, but they do seem to have a pretty accurate understanding of what you think of them, and are acting accordingly.

Also, the idea that, like, New Jersey is a better place to live than Montana or Wyoming is just for-real actually insane.

SolRo - 2020-09-14

I don’t want to hear any moralizing from the ‘vote trump to punish Democrats’ crowd

ashtar. - 2020-09-14

I don't want to hear any opinion on anything from someone who thinks Pennsylvania or fucking Delaware are acceptable states.

ashtar. - 2020-09-14

Fuck the entire eastern seaboard. Except Maine; you're alright.

Crackersmack - 2020-09-14

Just dropping in to mention that as of this morning Biden's lead has fallen to 5 points nationally. Because Biden is a corpse and is being hidden in a basement somewhere.

betabox - 2020-09-14

This is why our country is over. Even when people basically agree on a topic, the lizard brains come out in force to divide and sow hatred.

Hell, it's not just our country. It's our species. I agree with many of you on many topics, but I live in the "wrong" place (according to you). Therefore I and everyone I know are dismissed. It doesn't matter what good we've done, we're the hated other.

Fuck you, each and every one.

Die in misery. You are the other.

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