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Comment count is 15
Anaxagoras - 2021-03-17

Of course there's a good reason; there is no need for him to go down there. His administration should be handling the surge in migrants more professionally, so he should be making calls to the relevant people and/or setting up meetings with relevant agency heads. But going down there for photo ops? Thankfully he's not doing that.

Albuquerque Halsey - 2021-03-17

Look at his hands

SolRo - 2021-03-17


Crackersmack - 2021-03-17

leave the photo ops to AOC, who is strangely not doing any outside of the child prisons anymore

Crackersmack - 2021-03-17

the first US President made with the Unity Engine

poorwill - 2021-03-17

has there been an explanation for this? extremely weird.

Lef - 2021-03-17

It's a boom mic and is in back of President Biden.

I don't think this is some deep fake/wag the dog/digital media construct.

I do think there are several visual oddities starting with the inauguration, but this is just a perspective trick of the eye, like how they make the Hobbits look small in Lord of the Rings.

poorwill - 2021-03-18

that is not a good explanation. there's also a square green screen shimmer around him starting when he comes around the security booth thing.

poorwill - 2021-03-18

note: i don't mean it's a green screen! it just looks like that effect!

Gmork - 2021-03-18

Low quality recording and various sizes of boom mics wiggling around = CONSPIRACY!!!! (for retards)

poorwill - 2021-03-18

lol did we watch the same video?

love - 2021-03-18

I'm starting to believe a conspiracy.

A conspiracy of adding lead to water.

Shitty video compression + boom mic = CLOUD PEOPLE


today is finally the day this site got too dumb for me.

poorwill - 2021-03-18

i'm not saying it's a conspiracy!!! i just want to know why the glitch happened! like, the explanations don't line up with how fucked up the actual glitch is. they're nearly as outlandish as the conspiracy shit, just at the other end of the scale.

poorwill - 2021-03-18

wait, i saw a good video on the dead cat thing. i am now satisfied with the explanation that the boom is behind biden. previously, i thought it was a very weird compression glitch that i was struggling to understand how it could happen. thank you and have a nice day.

Hazelnut - 2021-03-18

Biden hasn't visited Antarctica. I guess he doesn't care about global warming.

Biden hasn't visited Mars. I guess he doesn't care about the space program.

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