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And please consider not blocking ads here. They help pay for the server. Pennies at a time. Literally.

Comment count is 7
Binro the Heretic - 2024-03-06

This was something the CEO told shareholders to let them know they were about to price gouge their customers for oodles of thick juicy profits.

When the word got out and the public was outraged, they tried to pretend he was bragging about fancy new digital billboards that could automatically update prices and run advertisements; technology they've already had for years.

McDonald's tried to launch "dynamic" pricing a few years back and immediately cancelled it after the backlash.

I guess the fast food chains will take turns announcing "dynamic pricing" every few years until it isn't met with backlash?

Nominal - 2024-03-06

Who the fuck eats fast food anymore now that "fast casual" is everywhere and almost every restaurant offers online pickup?

love - 2024-03-06

the only 2 business to close on the main strip of my town in the last year were a burger king and a five guys. All the local eateries are booming to where I only eat out during the week otherwise it's too crowded. I'd like to think that maybe the chains are waning where there's choices. (obviously there's a lot of podunk towns where there isn't)

radiosquido - 2024-03-07

Try any poor city neighborhood. At breakfast, lunch and dinner times the drive-throughs are literally backed up out of the parking lot and into the streets.

Cena_mark - 2024-03-07

I only eat fast food when on road trips. Service is terrible now, if you're not a doordash guy you're treated like nobody.

jfcaron_ca - 2024-03-08

Eating fast food is like smoking cigarettes. I'm constantly amazed that people still do it on a regular basis and without shame.

casualcollapse - 2024-03-14

Who's gonna open the Wendy's market manipulation discord server?

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