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Comment count is 22
Aeschylus - 2007-08-23

So many shattered knees, so little time...

Westward - 2007-08-23

The Japanese have spoken: any creation of man or God they cannot pervert they will simply destroy bare-handed.

teethsalad - 2007-08-23

MAS OYAMA = +20 stars

the man punches BULLS and they DIE

takewithfood - 2007-08-23

Its like Jackass, but with tradition.

Xiphias - 2007-08-23


Camonk - 2007-08-23

I think my favorite part is how they open with a guy jumpkicking a car, and then later some dude is punching plywood boards. Guys, you need to build UP, not DOWN. Still, way awesome.

Killer Joe - 2007-08-23

He cut glass with his hands.

Ahriman the Creepy Lurker - 2007-08-23

Interesting, even if the breaking sequences are pure eye candy bullshit.

Also, I'd love to see these guys learn the ultra-secret martial arts technique of punching to the face.

ghostdad - 2007-08-23

those spin kicks to the head look unpleasant

Udderdude - 2007-08-23

The second part of this is just brutal.

simon666 - 2007-08-23

sorry to be the low voter here. plus 1 because it looked cool, but no more because mma guys would dominate these guys in a heartbeat.

FeeFiFoFoTheFifeFifeBrown - 2007-08-23

Yeah, and paraplegics with Glocks would dominate the MMA guys just as fast.

These guys put on a good show, and that's enough for me.

Adramelech - 2007-08-23

Yeah, so these guys would get dominated by dudes from another sport fighting under completely different rules and circumstances. Clearly this is a reason to vote low. I bet pro football players would totally dominate them on the field.

simon666 - 2007-08-23

yes but people with lame or nonexistent limbs shooting people isn't quite in the same vein as sport fighting. but come on, karate chopping through ice blocks with 4 inches of air between each of them? a trick. they could not do it if the ice blocks were put together without the gaps.

being a trick is quite on par with magicians and illusionists. i could watch cartoons or cgi if i wanted to watch something appear to be what it is not. ok now i'm just hating =/ *shrug*

FeeFiFoFoTheFifeFifeBrown - 2007-08-23

Who said breaking shit wasn't a trick?

It's a fun trick to watch is the point.

boba. - 2007-08-23

you're supposed to post these type of comments DIRECTLY TO YOUTUBE, especially on bruce lee movie clips

Big Name Celebrity - 2008-06-16

Let's say, though- just hypothetically, mind you- that one of these Kyokushin guys learned some ground defense and BECAME an "MMA guy", would you respect THAT?

To help you along (just to personalize things and let you lose yourself in the game) we should give our hypothetical man a name. Something random... French, even, just to separate him from the hi-octane world of Japanese names... uh, let's call him George St. Pierre.

Yes, now think of a Kyokushin expert with just enough ground skill to get by walking into a UFC ring and his name is George St. Pierre. Still not betting on him?

You make me sick.

zerobackup - 2009-06-15

*clap clap clap*

dr_rock - 2007-08-23

You�re the best around, nothing�s gonna ever keep you down.

Mike Tyson?! - 2007-08-24

Am I the only one that wants to go try this now?

I bet I could punch through a piece of plywood exactly one time.

Vicious - 2008-02-26

Anybody else thinking of Ryo from King of Fighters?

Spastic Avenger - 2008-03-13

Okinawans must be watching this and feeling rather miffed that the self-defence techniques they developed to combat the japanese are now used by them for showboating.

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