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Comment count is 10
baleen - 2008-08-16

A few of the shorts in this were great, but so many of them sucked that it made me mad. I liked Bill Murray and RZA. And the Coogan\Molina scene.

ChocFullOfFunk - 2008-08-16

Hey, the GZA was there too goddammit.

sheikurbouti - 2008-08-16

I deeply enjoy how they don't seem to get along that well in the end. Classy brew.

Screwtape - 2008-08-16


CornOnTheCabre - 2008-08-17

I never noticed how Iggy seems to have left Tom Waits with the bill. extra credit points.

Syd Midnight - 2008-08-17

Totally unfair. Iggy goes into fugues when he's performing, offstage he's a pretty nice laid back guy named Jim. But Tom Waits is always Tom Waits.

Haha, have a cup of coffee with Tom Waits and you leave depressed and with an addiction problem.

kennydra - 2008-08-17

this film was terrible but this and a couple other scenes were cool.

StanleyPain - 2008-08-17

You know, Elijah Wood is playing Iggy Pop in an upcoming movie about the Stooges. Thought I'd throw that out there.

Chip - 2008-08-17

....Huh. I can absolutely see that.

Deeply uncomfortable.

Syd Midnight - 2008-11-24

Looking back on this clip months later.. masterpiece. You gotta understand that Iggy is a sincerely sweet, nice guy offstage, but Waits is Waits. This is soul raep.

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