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Comment count is 9
Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2008-11-08

sctv tag, please.

This is a pretty good bit.

Ursa_minor - 2008-11-09

The dude on the left is fucking great.


baleen - 2008-11-09

I find these guys irritating, with extremely bad timing and a really tired bit, but one star for the idea of moving the show to Bob & Doug's set, I guess.

Jefka - 2008-11-09


Syd Midnight - 2008-11-09

Yeah they're awful at it, but I appreciate the very idea of the joke. I'm giving stars for the meat behind of the dialogue. I hope someone does it better!

Canadians: This is why you need to build a fence on your southern border and let armed trailer park folk guard it, like we do.

CharlesSmith - 2008-11-09

HA! I'd like to see you fuckers find us first. Let's see an American find their own country on a map, let alone another. MUHAHAHAHA!

DMKA - 2008-11-09


sliggy - 2008-11-09

Five stars for "SOCIALIZED MAIL?!"

WitlessJ - 2011-12-02

Five stars for making the Red Green reference before I did.

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