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Comment count is 21
mashedtater - 2009-08-30

poor ann. there is no duct tape flesh colored to tape back your adam's apple.

dickshapedfood - 2009-08-30

I. . .I never noticed. Does this mean what I think it means? It's like a whole new world is opening up to me. . .

8bitwintermute - 2009-08-30

THE DEATH BOOK sounds cool

Document - 2009-08-30

this ain't your grandpa's wainscoting, this is DEATH PANELLING

also: Veteran's rights? Really? Fox is trumpeting veteran's rights? What happened to "there aren't any homeless veterans"? For fucks.

Witty_Pop_Culture_Reference - 2009-08-30

We should make angry babies together.

Document - 2009-08-30

It'd never work out, WPCR. I can never figure out if you love me or hate me. Sure, one day I'm all "you're my fav poster", the next day you're all "why you defending Bill-o for, Doccy?" It's just too much.

Witty_Pop_Culture_Reference - 2009-08-30

Yeah, I'm mysterious, like that vampire from Twilight and shit. Also, the defending Bill O comment wasn't meant at you, sorry I wrote poorly if it came off that way. My fault.

Document - 2009-08-30

Apologies are rare currency around POETV. I'll take it.

Still, I should probably take a rain-check on the whole "making angry babies" thing.

Camonk - 2009-08-30

A PoETV apology is a trap. Good job avoiding it. No one here has ever been sorry for anything.

DerangedGoblin - 2009-08-30

I think, as in the comments above, every time their mentioned they should be capitalized like the LORD. And the DEATH BOOK opened, and Edna saw that the DEATH BOOK had forsaken her, as decided by the DEATH PANEL.

DerangedGoblin - 2009-08-30

they're... *sigh*

teethsalad - 2009-08-30

bring back the fairness doctrine

C. Eloi Marx - 2009-08-30

These Death Panels are starting to sound like a good idea; but only if the bodies of the euthanized christians are turned into a nutritious paste that is used to fuel Comrade Obama's secret Americorps army. First nationalize GM, then healthcare. Vive la Socialism!

socialist_hentai - 2009-08-30

Obama has the Death Note!

phalsebob - 2009-08-30

"Have you ever heard anyone say 'if I'm a vegetable pull the plug'? "


Seriously? Have you ever heard anyone say 'if I'm a vegetable keep me hooked up to machines for 10 years before fade into oblivion'?

Also, news that Coulter is in the death book is an automatic five stars.

StanleyPain - 2009-08-30

I love the discourse on healthcare in this country.

"Hey, you know a ton of people don't have healthcare and most people that do are denied coverage anyway because of corrupt companies, so we should fix that."
"YOU CAN'T DO THAT. It would erode the very fiber of democracy AND it would mean people would die!!"
"But...people die now. Lots of them, under the current system."
"Yeah, but this would be worse."
"Well, there would be this room....and there would be people inside. And they would....I dunno...refuse to treat you for your illness. And the room would be all dark and spooky."
"And also, they would write your name in a book, sort of like in Heaven only this would be like the opposite and it would be a BAD book and if you were in there you couldn't get help and you'd die!"
"I know, pretty scary, huh? Then giant monsters would come in and..hey where are you going?

Blaise - 2009-08-30

Fox News. Pulling the plug on journalism one story at a time.

Riskbreaker - 2009-08-30

Can they just change their name to "Troll News" already?

longwinded - 2009-08-30

Sarah Palin is not an opinion maker

Tstyle - 2009-08-30

That last shot of Glen Beck just needs a straw hat and a old timey megaphone and he'd look the carnival barker that he is.

oddeye - 2009-08-31

This is pure bullshit. I don't live in America but how can this legally be called news?
Also wasn't promising healthcare reforms one of the things that brought the Dems their landslide victory? How could it then be called "wildly unpopular" ?

Do people seriously believe this shit?

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