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Comment count is 30
Caminante Nocturno - 2009-09-06

Stop it! You're only making things worse!

Camonk - 2009-09-06

Even if he's not completely serious, a grown man shouldn't act that way. Not ever.

Nikon - 2009-09-06

I see the virgin, and I see the rage.

Teased Vagina - 2009-09-06

0:38 looks like he's Morris Dancing

Aelric - 2009-09-06

Give me your war face!

I've seen men of normal intelligence and emotional fortitude react worse to losing Halo matches.

RocketBlender - 2009-09-06

Hell, I KNOW one. This guy is NO fun to play games with. If you ever get on a game of CoD and hear guy going "Okay, now you flank right whil NO! LISTEN! I GET THE SHOTGUN, YOU TAKE BACK THE ASSAULT RIFLE AND FLANK RIGHT! GOD DAMNIT GUYS YOU NEED TO LISTEN! THIS IS WHY WE"RE LOSING!!!", then you're probably in a game with my friend.

Aelric - 2009-09-06

Reply questionable. Does not compute.

Colonel Cowlung - 2009-09-06

At 1:12 I thought he started doing a Patty and/or Selma Bouvier impersonation.

saitcho - 2009-09-06

up close he sort of looks like ractalfece

Riskbreaker - 2009-09-06


memedumpster - 2009-09-06

Did he just threaten to rip someone in half and beat one half with the other half?

Somewhere there's the most unlikeable weasel-sphincter internet media wannabe possible who is no doubt planning to make a movie about this person's life. Let me just say that if you don't cast David Arquette as Chris Chan, I will pray for your destruction. You know who you are.

RocketBlender - 2009-09-06

Removed for TOU violation... I can only assume from that alone and these comments that this video was amazing.

RocketBlender - 2009-09-06

Well, it's back up. Here's the stars you've so rightly earned, Chris-Chan.

Udderdude - 2009-09-06


Quad9Damage - 2009-09-06

It's BACK.

Yeah, Chris, threaten to beat up a girl. That won't make you look like even more of a douchebag.

RocketBlender - 2009-09-06

Can someone point me in the direction of the account of whoever he's so angry with?

MaulLove - 2009-09-06


fermun - 2009-11-02

To top it all off, Vivian Gee is perhaps the only troll who has ever been nice to Chris. When another troll, who used the name Clyde Cash and Gregg Mays managed to get all of Chris Chan's email and website passwords (by pretending to be a Nintendo exec.), they found dozens of emails from Vivian Gee telling Chris who was a troll, which Chris never believed.

So Chris is threatening to murder the only person who tried to prevent him from embarrassing himself on the internet.

Pillager - 2009-09-06

I feel sorry for his folks.

However, I guess they got used to this sort of thing...

Teased Vagina - 2009-09-06

They're obsessive hoarders who have ruined their house by filling it with shit - the only normal ones in that house are the (dozens of) cats.

NewHeavenSalesman - 2009-09-06

My favorite part is where he fails to break the poles to the poster because of the backassward way he holds them. Sort of a "bundle of trolls" parable.

Also, Vivi (the person he directed this against and the maker of the audiobooks) responded to his first call to take down her account with a video entitled "I am removing all my videos" which was just a repost of chris's house tour.

KnowFuture - 2009-09-06

Oh man I never went to YouTube to find out more about this fuckin' creature until now.

His handle is..."LightningDevastation".

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-09-06

I only learned the epic story that is Chris Chan. It's like the Internet spewed him forth as an example to all, a story to be told around campfires by mothers of chubby video game addicted ten year olds. Be careful, or this could happen to you!

KnowFuture - 2009-09-06

Actually, it appears that "LightningDevastation" is only the vessel, not Chris-Chan himself. Unless there's some sort of freaky multiple personality thing going on.

boner - 2009-09-06

I think Buster Bluth here needs to go back to the Milford Academy.

Hooper_X - 2009-09-06

...did he just try and fail to break a couple of paint stirrers?

Cleaner82 - 2009-09-06

I can't get enough of that ominous, trembling fist he dramatically shakes at the camera in every video because he saw a wizard or something do it in a movie once.

a flaming monkey - 2009-09-07

I don't even know what he was saying.

Testicles of Doom - 2009-09-08

Me either. I mean, I know he was speaking English, but his dialect is unknown to me.

Pillager - 2023-07-05

Captain's Log. Stardate: September 4th, 2009.

Uh, couple-of, uh- yeah, couple of issues. Firstly I wish to, uh... [removes his glasses and tosses them, causing a loud "TLAP"] extend my father's gratitude for the present. Apparently you ordered for him... and uh, delivered to us Miss Vivian, so [mumbles] thank you for that.

Still, it does not excuse you for what you have done to me, you have s-made a mockery out of me. You ma- you behind my back made the stupid audiobooks, and you ar-and you ar-and you are a troll- other trolls matter of a fact, hey- [Chris grabs the Clown Doll] -remember this clown? Clyde Cash! Clyde Cash is Vivian's cousin or was since the bastard is dead. And we-and we all know what he did to me. That son of a bitch. But anyway, Vivian is just about as deep as he is because she's- she is no different- 'cos she among those trolls slandered and mocked my good name. Especially in what in her videos that she did against me. [sighs] So you know what? Equivalent to Clyde Fash, equivalent to Vivian Gee! [holds up clown doll and launches it at PSEye]

[jump cut] Anyway, look Vivian, if you really want to get back on my good side, you'll close your YouTube account, make sh- and make sure all videos are deleted, and never, ever, ever upload them or make any money off of them ever again! If you really want to earn back my trust, you'll close your YouTube account after deleting every-last-one-of-your-videos! Delete all your videos. Close your YouTube, then maybe I will let you [exhales] be back in my good graces. And I will unblock your e-mail address from my AOL. [sighs] Still curse you. Because you have done- you have- between you and Clyde Cash, you both have done so much bad against me. [grunts, grabs clown doll, and throws it at PSEye again]

[jump cut] Anyway, also, sh-s-stop sending us the dang catalogs and junk. We are shipping up them right back, we are makers-make sure they get sent to dead letter office if they cannot be sent back. So you trolls may as well just stop it! And you can stop the incoming calls because I'm just going to ignore you and delete your voice mails. [Talks in a high pitch] "I have information! [Begins touching his right manboob] I think you are sexy! I know you're trolls just by talking like that. So just may as well just shut the fuck up! And for the rest of everybody who is honest, true and good; [makes a V sign] peace and have a good day.

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