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Comment count is 8
eatenmyeyes - 2011-01-18

Jim Goad is a national treasure.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-01-18

Sit through it. It's very rewarding.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2011-01-18

As a TFL sufferer I spent all my Saturday nights watching Hot Seat.

RIP Wally George.

abeli$con - 2011-01-18


joelkazoo - 2011-01-18

The only black guy in the audience is sitting there quietly.

dinner - 2011-01-18

Whoever wins, he loses.

BHWW - 2011-01-19

I miss the days of weird little UHF (and occasional VHF) stations - nowadays your local "independent" station has a schedule that's mostly infomercials and syndicated reruns of Everybody Loves Raymond and The George Lopez Show.

I remember catching Hot Seat on a UHF station, the sort that would show all sorts of public domain movies - the sort you see now on 1 dollar DVDs at your local stores, and classic and not so classic TV series and the occasional oddity.

joelkazoo - 2011-01-19

That's where I saw Wally George. We used to get all our network TV off UHF signals of VHF stations, and once between ABC and NBC, this little network called "Access America" sprang up. It showed Wally George, as well as a truly eclectic mix of movies from 30s Universal Horror to Troma flicks to Godzilla to 70s Slasher fare.

Fuck, I'm old.

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