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Desc:Live action take on some anime, with guys playing all parts. Much worse then what I'm describing.
Tags:Anime, Japan, Oh god no, nipple slip, creepy otaku trannies
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Comment count is 6
Bone_Vulture - 2006-11-24

+4 stars for the trannie's nice ass. That's right, nothing can out-creepify the video.

boner - 2006-11-24

I am revoking Japan's Internet privileges

TinManic - 2006-11-25

how tough could samurais have been? it's good for the ninjas' rep they didn't have cameras then.

Caminante - 2007-04-18

This is terrifying.

Dummy Rum - 2007-09-23

The cross-dressers aren't even that convincing. Couldn't they find some of those creepy anime masks?

tamago - 2007-11-04

This is pretty much how the first episode of the series plays out, except they left out how this was basically a b-movie directed by Suzumiya. Plus, the main guy keeps making WTF comments when he's supposed to be narrating the action.

Honestly though, the anime itself is quite good. It has an interesting sci-fi element going on.

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