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Comment count is 10
Toenails - 2011-07-22

Oh dang. I was hoping that the Spinx was submitting B&B videos again. :(

Also, is that guy who hated Sphinx's Beavis and Butthead music videos still around? That guy was a fucking riot.

-1 star because the two of them didn't capture how much Weezer sucked at the playing music.

Sphinx - 2011-07-22

Oh we can do make that happen.

Quad9Damage - 2011-07-22

I actually thought about it, because I found a bunch of clips that weren't submitted here already. But I didn't want to start another generation war.

StanleyPain - 2011-07-22

I like the show, but I personally thought that spamming the front page with 90% B&B videos was bad form and just an abuse of front-page-submit. It was going a little overboard.

Sphinx - 2011-07-23

Most videos drop off the front page in a day or two from what I can tell so it doesn't bother me. I felt the generational war that erupted just added to the shenanigans.

hammsangwich - 2011-07-22

MTV2: Where the music's at!

Oktay - 2011-07-23

This is a pretty cool show.

Robin Kestrel - 2011-07-23

Fonzie doesn't even know karate.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-07-28

This is so 90s. Ahh youth.

Quad9Damage - 2011-09-22

It's been taken down? Quick, somebody get the file off the Windows 95 CD and upload it again.

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