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Comment count is 19
CuteLucca - 2014-01-29

I like these. Too bad Delta sucks otherwise.

baleen - 2014-01-29

You have to give them credit for actually getting Gerald Casale of Devo to take off his hat for a fucking in-flight safety video.

sasazuka - 2014-01-29

I think Mark Mothersbaugh of DEVO did the background music.

chumbucket - 2014-01-29


Aelric - 2014-01-29


infinite zest - 2014-01-29

If we all crash, we'll do it in style. 80s style. The best style.

infinite zest - 2014-01-29

5 stars for Alf though, where do you think he's going?

sasazuka - 2014-01-29

Probably Atlanta. Or maybe he just visited Atlanta and is going home.

I get a little bothered that they only put the mask over Alf's nose but not over his mouth as well as specified in the narration.

BHWW - 2014-01-29

"Ha, I kill me!"

:asphixiates during an emergency situation:

infinite zest - 2014-01-29

In a very special episode of "Alf," Alf flies to Atlanta thinking it says "Catlanta" and learns about a different kind of monster: The fur trade. Upon landing he finds a gentlemen wearing a bandana with a cardboard sign that says "ALF" on it, and is whisked away to the Animal Liberation Front's headquarters.

(this is going into my fan fiction. Don't steal it.)

sasazuka - 2014-01-29

I was hoping they'd fit in an AIRPLANE! reference and they did, right at the end. That's Kareem Abdul Jabbar in the first officer's seat (a.k.a. the co-pilot's seat), reprising his AIRPLANE! role as "Roger Murdock" (or, if you know the movie, Kareem Abdul Jabbar playing Kareem Abdul Jabbar pretending to be Roger Murdock, but he breaks out of character when the kid in the cockpit recognizes him).

I don't know if it's the lighting or what, but, before Kareem Abdul Jabbar turned around, I thought he was going to be a bald white guy, perhaps Richard Moll, "Bull" from NIGHT COURT.

Aelric - 2014-01-29

Whew. Thanks for explaining that to us, I think we might not have gotten the joke. Close call, but you saved the day by explaining in great detail what the joke was and why it was scientifically funny.

Then in the next section of your comment, you discussed the philosophy of defying expectation when you thought that Kareem was not Kareem but rather another actors but then Kareem turns around and OH! It's Kareem!

sasazuka - 2014-01-29

I'm just assuming there are younger people here who might've not seen AIRPLANE!

infinite zest - 2014-01-29

A little off topic, but Kareem Abdul Jabbar was the only funny part upon my re-watching of Baseketball a few weeks ago.

They banned the slam dunk in college basketball for a while because of him. Whadda badass.

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-01-30

I knew it was Kareem but was really confused why he was there... so I appreciate it too.

infinite zest - 2014-01-29

Last time I flew Delta I saw this. Like most anyone else, I didn't pay too much attention and then it caught my eye and everyone was laughing. It was a really cool bonding moment between perfect strangers and explained everything in case of an emergency that's less likely to occur than getting hit by a car, but it was soothing given my personal fear of flying.

Then the pilot comes on and was like "all right.. that was fun and all, but seriously, read through your pamphlets.." which made the dread of falling that much worse. Even worse, one of the TV shows you could pay to watch was "Lost." Fucking Delta

sasazuka - 2014-01-29

In honor of the 10th anniversary of LOST this autumn, Delta should totally do a Dharma Initiative-themed safety demonstration video hosted by Pierre Chang a.k.a. "Marvin Candle" (Fran�ois Chau).

infinite zest - 2014-01-29

"In the unlikely event of a water landing, you'll all be sucked into watching a "Lost" marathon because your girlfriend wants you to, even though you knew how it ended years ago. If you begin to feel the urge to talk about any potential spoilers, a mask will be provided with a special gas that will remind you that lots of girls don't even know who Luke Skywalker's dad is. You fuckin' moron. Plus it's not Downtown it's Downton."

"In the even more unlikely event that we experience a mid-air crash and you die and I survive, I'm marrying Benedict Cumberbatch you'll be stuck in beerponging dicklicking purgatory"

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-01-30

You're my internet person of the day, zest.

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