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Desc:Creflo Dollar's old private jet broke down, you see, but it's cool, its for Jesus.
Category:Crime, Religious
Tags:christianity, LOL XTIANS, Greed, megachurch, jets for jesus
Submitted:Killer Joe
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Comment count is 12
Killer Joe - 2015-03-16

He was also arrested a few years back for beating down his daughter. (It was the devil trying to discredit him, don't worry guys)

spikestoyiu - 2015-03-16

It's a good thing that God saved them from all of those awful things God did to their airplanes.

Oscar Wildcat - 2015-03-16

The London and Hawaii ministries seem to be most favoured, based on the clip. Excellent find, Joe. Creflow's an old hand at this fraud, but his mentor was a guy named Bob Tilton. Google around a bit about him.

Maggot Brain - 2015-03-16

Won't you please help discount Forest Whitaker buy a party jet for his bourgeois kids?

Enjoy - 2015-03-16

Wait. His name is Creflo Dollar?

spikestoyiu - 2015-03-16

From his Wiki entry (I swear):

"Some sources report that Dollar's real name is Michael Smith,[3] which Dollar has called an 'urban legend'.[4]"

Kid Fenris - 2015-03-16

Sixty-five million dollars? You could buy almost two megachurches with that!

The Mothership - 2015-03-16


SolRo - 2015-03-16

assuming an average price of 00 for roundtrip airfair, you could just fly 32,500 people TO that megachurch and back for that kind of money.

cognitivedissonance - 2015-03-16

White megachurch pastors axe for private jets like diss


Brother megachurch pastors axe for private jets like DISS!


Jet Bin Fever - 2015-03-17

This is amazingly evil.

Oktay - 2015-03-17

Take that, Scientology!

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