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Comment count is 9
SolRo - 2015-12-10

I don't have a beret pretentious enough to watch this

15th - 2015-12-10


infinite zest - 2015-12-10

I was pretty jaded by the Comparative Literature Program's film department by my senior year of college, so I wrote a paper on how Bordwell and Deleuze apply to films such as XXX and Garfield the Movie among others.

SolRo - 2015-12-10

I did watch some of it, but did it ever feel like I should have gotten extra credit in a class for doing so.

infinite zest - 2015-12-11

I wish I could find that paper, but alas I was in college when the floppy disk was going out of fashion, so it's probably buried somewhere in the world, or in a disabled .edu account. I mostly did it as a "fuck you" to the program as a whole, since there was a big child sex scandal going on and the head of the department was arrested for it, so we just had a hapless TA teaching our class for the rest of the semester and I just wanted to fuck with him. It worked and I got an A, but he was expecting Welles and Hitchcock and the like. I miss college.

TeenerTot - 2015-12-11

IZ's own version of Colin's Bear.

infinite zest - 2015-12-11

Hahahaha I had to look it up but yeah that was pretty much me. They were already trying to get rid of the comp lit department and the scandal was the final straw. Luckily I was a double major, and since I'd taken so many credits they let me graduate with both, but others weren't so lucky. The credits meant shit at that point, except that they were credits, but finding a new major, like Philosophy, meant for a lot of people a whole extra year or two of requirements.

EvilHomer - 2015-12-11

Question: the act of watching this essay, can it be "pretentious" if no-one knows you're watching it?

That guy - 2015-12-11


not meant as reply

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