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Help keep poeTV running

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Comment count is 12
Rangoon - 2018-09-10

I'll bee there, buzzing around...

Gmork - 2018-09-10

So uh, where are the links?

Gmork - 2018-09-10

My birthday is tomorrow so I thought i'd attend tonight's

Crab Mentality - 2018-09-10

Hit up Streamdumpster dot com for all the best trash. I don't know if Hugo is doing the stream personally or if there's a streambuddy involved, but that place will have all the relevant links. The IRC chat will have links within. Sometimes things get mixed up at the last minute.

Born in the RSR - 2018-09-10

The chat will be on #PoeTV on freenode

Everyone uses their preferred connection method, personally I go for mIRC , some people use their phones.


for the stream itself

Born in the RSR - 2018-09-10

you don't have to register to anything to view stream or join the chat btw, if you were wondering.

Scrimmjob - 2018-09-10

it will probably be here: https://streamdumpster.com/hugogorilla

come on down gmork, the more the merrier!

Hugo Gorilla - 2018-09-10

Thanks to RSR for picking up my slack. I had to drive my mom to a physical this morning.

But, yeah, I'm streaming on the link provided.

Gmork - 2018-09-10

Oh shoot, I didnt see the 3pm PST, I was at work. then. Hope it was fun!

Old_Zircon - 2018-09-10

Probably won't be free but I'l try to drop in for a bit.

cognitivedissonance - 2018-09-10

I have Sangria Señorial, but same difference.

That guy - 2018-09-10

*squints disapprovingly*

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