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SolRo - 2024-05-08


But also Trump would probably send the US army to help exterminate Palestinians, so I have to keep him from being president.

Quad9Damage - 2024-05-08

The way it will go is, he will demand an Executive Order to eliminate Palestine from space be on his desk to sign in the morning. But he will forget about it after he demands an Executive Order to delete Section 230. But then the next day, he will demand an Executive Order to abolish the Legislative Branch, and then forgets about it while announcing firings on Truth Social.

Crackersmack - 2024-05-08

The only thing that has prevented the Democrats from sending US troops to Gaza is that Israel hasn't told them to yet. Regardless of who wins in November, Israel will escalate sharply after the election and neither Trump nor Biden will do anything to meaningfully limit them no matter how many people are killed. The death toll will be in the six figures before the end of 2025. Voting for either one of them is indefensible if you even remotely pretend to care about the genocide.

Mister Yuck - 2024-05-09

Why would they wait till after the election? They're already trying to provoke Iran and Hezbollah. Netanyahu knows he has a blank check from America no matter who's in power.

SolRo - 2024-05-09

The funny part about Israel picking a fight with Iran is just how vulnerable Israel would be to a sustained Iranian missile/drone attack campaign.

Iran probably spent less than 10 million dollars on that show attack and the Zionist-defense coalition spent a billion dollars to shoot down most of it. The member countries are having a hard time producing anti air munitions due to expense, complexity, sending so much to Ukraine and peacetime production lines.

Between Iran and Hezbollah lobbing missiles daily, their defenses would run out quickly

duck&cover - 2024-05-08

Finally something everyone can agree on. Biden trying to cater to fascists won't make them love him

ashtar. - 2024-05-09

no, if we just get further right they can't be mad. just a little further right bro, come on

Anaxagoras - 2024-05-08

I don't get it. "Fuck that milquetoast president!!!" seems like a strange sentiment.

I mean... he's not great, but he gets some things right, so... mediocre? How can you get worked up over mediocrity?

TeenerTot - 2024-05-08

Agree. I don't get it. But then, I am old and much more comfortable with mediocrity than the young'uns.

Crackersmack - 2024-05-08

Nothing mediocre about enabling the worst crime against humanity to happen in our lifetime. Nothing mediocre about total inaction in the face of the worst housing crisis, drug crisis in American history. Nothing mediocre about the loss of reproductive rights, while Democrats held congressional majorities, without any response from them other than fundraising.

Nominal - 2024-05-08

"Fuck this oatmeal. I want to force everyone to eat cyanide for breakfast because I'm a sheltered turd and I'm bored."

teethsalad - 2024-05-09

"Fuck this oatmeal. I want to force everyone to eat cyanide for breakfast because I'm a sheltered turd and I'm bored."

stars for nominal

Crackersmack - 2024-05-09

Yeah go ahead and yell that the sky is falling again, but Trump was already president for four years and was honestly slightly better than the average Republican. Biden had two years with congressional majorities and multiple ongoing domestic crises and chose to spend that political capital enriching Ukrainian gangsters and murdering Palestinian children. Those are the actual priorities of who you support. Are you really better than Trumpers?

Crackersmack - 2024-05-09

Because of your "lesser evil" administration I have seen fucking hundreds of images and videos of dead and mutilated children in the last seven months and then I go to a normie news site and I see your president bemoaning fucking "antisemitism" so sincerely, go fuck yourself, you people are ghouls and so much worse than dumbass Trump voters that just don't know any better. Democrats in the year 2024 are fucking flat out evil.

glasseye - 2024-05-09

You do realize that genocide is bad, right?

ashtar. - 2024-05-10

Trump said he could "stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody" and he "wouldn't lose any voters." Liberals expressed shock at how his supporters could be such suckers.

Biden has killed 13,000 children in Gaza. The same liberals are lining up to support him in November.

Who are the bigger suckers?

Anaxagoras - 2024-05-11

Biden has not killed 13,000 children. That's Bibi. They're different people. The clue is in the name.

For some reason you want to equate failing to stop the execution of Palestinians with the act of executing them. Those are different actions. Again, the clue is in the name.

Please stop the bullshit equivalences. They're tedious & stupid. Biden certainly hasn't covered himself in glory on this issue. But he hasn't done the killing, nor is it on his priority list to kill brown people. When it comes to culpability, it's important to apportion if appropriately.

SolRo - 2024-05-12

I don’t think Biden wants to kill brown people but he does think it’s more important to protect a genocidal Zionist state than to save those brown people

Like they’re an acceptable human sacrifice

Crackersmack - 2024-05-12

Biden is as complicit as Bibi. And it's bullshit to even bring up Bibi anyway as if this is all just some extremist or extreme party within Israel and not Israel itself. Bibi is a moderate in Israeli politics. That's how fucking sick and deranged those people are.

The genocide would not be possible without American support. Full stop. When Biden lies about seeing rapes and dead Israel babies, when Biden continues to arm this fascist state with full knowledge of their crimes against humanity, when the US navy scrambles jets from carriers to intercept Iranian missiles, the Biden administration is actively participating in the genocide. The Biden administration is allowing sitting US senators to essentially threaten the ICC with violence if they were to impose sanctions on Israel. How much more committed do we have to be before it's unacceptable to you? Maybe we should revisit this in November, because I bet that's when we start seeing US special forces on the ground in Gaza murdering civilians alongside the IDF.

ashtar. - 2024-05-12

Please. This would not be happening without American support.

If your best friend says he's going to shoot up a school and your response is, instead of stopping it, to say "ok, let me give you as much ammo as you need, I'll stay outside and prevent the cops from coming in," you are so responsible for those deaths that talk about where to apportion blame is largely academic.

This is very clearly and publicly a genocide. Biden is enthusiastically complicit. He belongs in the Hague, and should spend the rest of his life in prison. Not seeing this means your are either a fool or a monster.

ashtar. - 2024-05-12

Biden was one of the chief Democratic boosters of the illegal invasion of Iraq, which was based on lies, killed 185,194 – 208,167 civilians, and created ISIS.

He has a long track record in American politics. Killing brown people is consistently one of his priorities.

Gmork - 2024-05-08

It's going to feel very shitty being forced to vote for him. Probably the most cynical vote I'll ever cast.

Nominal - 2024-05-09

Posted to youtube by a Lets Go Brandon turd who loves posting tours of swastika landmarks. What a fucking winner you vehemence junkies picked.

teethsalad - 2024-05-09

dumbdick motherfuckers out here dead set on proving horseshoe theory is real

glasseye - 2024-05-09

"I can't tell the difference between fascists and people who want to stop them, oh no I have to go join the fascists" - blue MAGA brainworms

Crackersmack - 2024-05-12

Imagine being the only reason that those idiots have any kind of point and being totally oblivious to it.

casualcollapse - 2024-05-09

Typical both sides are the same bullshit

Simillion - 2024-05-09

Fuck Joe Biden is the only political chant that offers no meaningful solutions to anything in the phrase.

Binro the Heretic - 2024-05-09

If Trump wins, he'll just keep doing the same thing Biden is doing, but at least more people will protest against it.

ashtar. - 2024-05-10

Stopping Trump might be such a high priority for you that you're willing to overlook a lot.

Just know that killing brown children is a higher priority for Joe Biden than winning the election.

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