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Desc:'Ron Kind voted to study the sex lives of Vietnamese Prostitutes'
Category:Arts, Advertisements
Tags:congress, ron kind, congressional ad, holy shit Ron Kind is awesome
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Comment count is 39
Repomancer - 2007-09-22

Has spent your tax dollars to pay teenage girls to watch pornographic movies with probes connected to their genitailia -- but doesn't support the war? He's the only person with any sense in Congress.

Repomancer - 2007-09-22

Oh, yeah -- rating.

Gamara II - 2007-09-22

Well Ron, you have my vote!

love - 2007-09-22

agreed. I like the cut of ron kind's jib.

Janusian Soul - 2007-09-22

Eskimos? Who are they?

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-09-23

The best part of this ad is how the announcer says "Eer, whoever THEY are."

He is just so flabbergasted at what he's telling you, and he expects you to feel the same way.

Operation Cornflakes - 2007-09-22

I think I'd rather like living in Ron Kind's America.

Knuckles - 2007-09-22

You'd think republican congressmen would have stayed away from the topic of probing teenage genitals last election.

Endoris - 2007-09-23

Sounds to me like Ron Kind is IN of touch if you ask me! Hah! Hah...heh. Ehh. I'm sorry.

manfred - 2007-09-23

Spending money on sex instead of killing people... what a monster.

Meerkat - 2007-09-23

"I'm Paul R. Nelson and my nebbishy voice keeps Ron Kind in office ."

Tetsuo - 2007-09-23

Ron Kind should be president

Dr Dim - 2007-09-23

I didn't even know that getting teenage girls to watch porn with probes on their genitalia was something you could support in an official capacity. This man is a STAR.

Brautwurst_Barbarian - 2007-09-23

Ron kind is a pervert, because none of those things could EVER be used to further science in any form whatsoever.


For Real.

Vicious - 2008-01-30

Something tells me granddad wanking it isn't going to do much to advance anything.

Dummy Rum - 2007-09-23

You know, the only real way Congress can stop the war in Iraq is by refusing to fund it.

So we shouldn't vote for this guy because he's doing what the American people want?

Aelric - 2007-09-23

this guy can posture all he wants, that voice will kill any election hopes he'll ever have.

TheOtherCapnS - 2007-09-23

There is a constant soundtrack in the background of jungle noises. I'm obsessed with this. What the fuck does this mean?

And yea, we absolutely need more people like Ron Kind in congress.

Urist - 2007-09-23

Loon calls...

I was wondering why they had loons in the background and then got the joke.

Roachbud - 2007-09-23

Awesome lies: all but one of those votes on military spending was before Iraq and I'm sure all those sex studies were in omnibus bills. Gotta love politics

Sean Robinson - 2007-09-23

Ron Kind voted for the NIH authorization and against an amendment that would have taken grant-approval authority away from the scientists and doctors who currently make those decisions.

Ron Kind also won in 2006, the year of this ad, with 65% of the vote.

EvilHomer - 2007-09-23

Well look, maybe we can compromise. Maybe Ron Kind can spend my money on sending Vietnamese prosititutes to the troops, or on killing teenaged girls and eskimos. Would that make you happy, Mr. Nelson?

athodyd - 2007-09-23

5 stars for the picture of the savage, slope-browed bisexual Eskimos

Adramelech - 2007-09-23

Haha, Ron Kind spends money on interesting research and scientific advancement instead of killing brown people.

boner - 2007-09-23

You picked the Ron guy to mess with.

Merzbau - 2007-09-23




revdrew - 2007-09-23

Ron Kind is MY Kind.. of pervert.

coprolalia - 2007-09-23

I don't know if this one is worse or more of the same.


Xiphias - 2007-09-24

hells yeah ron kind

Corman's Inferno - 2007-09-25

I heard all of these on the Opie and Anthony show last year. Their interview with Paul R. Nelson was amazing.

"So when did you come up with the Ron Kind/Wrong Kind connection?"

"That just came to me in a stroke of genius. I realized that this would be the thing that won me the election."

Pillager - 2007-12-11

That has to be the most inept attack ad I've ever seen...

Chalkdust - 2008-01-06

"[Paul R. Nelson's]negative campaign commercials against Ron Kind and his nasal voice made him a celebrity of sorts on the Opie and Anthony Show. He even called in on November 3, 2006 and was interviewed and challenged Ron Kind to have a debate on the show on Monday, November 6th - one day before the election. This was not possible, however, as Opie and Anthony were on vacation."


soci-o-path - 2008-01-09

Huh, to say this is for jollies ...

Well, that's what happens to taxpayer's money in England.

It goes into random crap / Scotland / PM's bank account.

goat - 2008-01-11

Not only am I fine with my tax dollars supporting this kind of thing, but it seems like the sort of research I would be willing to donate my time and money to as well.

Gwago - 2008-03-31

Ron Kind once paid me government money to have me watch him shower.

Gibbs - 2008-05-21

Paul R. Nelson has the voice of a man who's being paid to portray a nerd who's having a terrible day at the DMV.

bopeton - 2008-08-16

Please more spending my money on teenage girls watching porn and less on murdering countries full of innocent people.

DopeFiend - 2008-10-14

Ron's got my vote now.
Also, Mr. Nelson, those were Marines, not Soldiers. There IS a difference between the branches of Service. You have just made the eagle cry, Mr. Nelson.

rev.dinosaur - 2009-03-25

I'm pretty sure one of those "masturbating" old men was just feeding ducks from a park bench...

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