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Desc:A model professional who has set the standard for his peers
Category:Fashion, Business
Tags:ties, businesslike, young professional
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Comment count is 27
TeenerTot - 2009-01-10

Awwww.....Now tuck in your damn shirt!

dichotic1 - 2009-01-11

heh heh heh -- it's a clip on.

TheDevilsDictionary - 2009-01-10

5 for the brief explosion of rapture from the audience at the end of this video.

allcaps - 2009-01-10

As someone compelled to wear ties all his childhood and who has unconsciously dedicated himself to careers that don't require ties, I conclude: hey, fuck you kid.

FABIO2 - 2009-01-10

In 5 years he's going to be the kid who brings a monogrammed briefcase to school.

Severian - 2009-01-10

Within 5 years, he's going to get the shit beat out of him regularly.

Bored - 2009-01-10

Is this the sign of a return to civilization I have been waiting for?

Can clean cut men and women in beautiful dresses be next?

allcaps - 2009-01-10

Clean cut men in beautiful dresses is the civilization I'VE been waiting for!!

Urburos - 2009-01-10

"Then what's Heaven like?"
"That is Heaven."

Camonk - 2009-01-10

allcaps your screen name has rendered you a liar.

RockBolt - 2009-01-10

Secretary of children

FineFilter - 2009-01-10

What a fag.

Rozetta - 2009-01-10

-4 stars for failing to warn me that watching the video would require me to encounter Rachel Ray's image.

Menudo con queso - 2009-01-10

IDK if this is why the terrorists hate us, but it sure is why I hate us.

HankFinch - 2009-01-10

I hate you because you wrote "IDK" if that helps!

Operation Cornflakes - 2009-01-10

He should teach his friend a four in hand so he can ditch the clip on.

atheistgirl - 2009-01-10

I had to wear a tie to school.
But not when I was seven.

baleen - 2009-01-10

In three years this child will be beaten relentlessly and his life will be over.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-01-11

But his mom says he's cool!

Crucifried - 2009-01-10

Kid! You gotta wait until the end of high school when you're hanging out with a bunch of stoner punks, then girls love you.

a flaming monkey - 2009-01-11

I'd rather he wore a fucking monocle.

kwash - 2009-12-20

Ah, can you imagine?


pastorofmuppets - 2009-01-11

pastorofmuppets who liked this video also liked: that scene in American Psycho with the business cards

DMKA - 2009-01-11

Well fuck, I have to wear a tie every day and I fucking hate it.

Five stars for early preparation for the shitty world of work.

mon666ster - 2009-01-12

My brother regularly wore a bowtie to school when he was about this age. Turns out he was just kinda nuts.

phalsebob - 2009-05-11

Everyone who wears a bowtie is nuts. This might have something to do with the high mercury content of bowties.

poples - 2009-06-07

Kid, what the hell? You don't wear striped ties with plaid shirts.

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