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Desc:Will not make it out of the hopper.
Category:Arts, Educational
Tags:faggoty attention, originally posted in 73q to be seen by no one
Submitted:Jack Dalton
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Comment count is 22
sheikurbouti - 2009-10-13

Cancels out at least a weeks worth of cute kitty/adorable dog videos that some people seem to think belong on a site called Portal of Evil.

Stog - 2009-10-13


Riskbreaker - 2009-10-13

Kitty videos on the way.

Athetosis - 2009-10-14

The evil is not the kitty videos, but the terrible behavior that posting them inspires in people like you. CAN'T YOU SEE!? YOU'RE BUT A PUPPET!

Bebido - 2009-10-13

Did someone say KITTY?!?

baleen - 2009-10-13

Going back to brooklyn might not be the best idea these days kids.

La Loco - 2009-10-14

I bet he lives in Williamsburg so it's ok.

Gayperson - 2009-10-13

this is relevant to my interests.

kennydra - 2009-10-14


Cena_mark - 2009-10-14

The gay agenda continues.

Jack Dalton - 2009-10-14

One minute, you might be talking with a dude about your mutual and completely heterosexual post-adolescent infatuation with John Cena-- next thing you know, you're in a stretch hummer making out with him. Seriously, you must beware of the gay conspiracy and the New Gay Order!!!!

Cena_mark - 2009-10-14

Right. This video shows that they have aggressive recruiting methods and that they intend to turn as many heteros as possible.

dr_rock - 2009-10-14

I thought that was Vince McMahon's job?

kingarthur - 2009-10-14

Hey Mark, I'd like to invite you down to the corner of Bourbon and St. Anne. I wanna see how long you last.

kingarthur - 2009-10-14

Ahem...that came out wrong...as did that. Okay, basically I'm going to throw you to a pack of wild drag queens. Just so we're clear.

jaunch - 2009-10-14

I honestly can't tell if Cena Mark is joking in half his posts. This is one of those times.

KnowFuture - 2009-10-14

I see this clip has captured cena_'s interest. One might say, it's gotten his....attention. Yes. His...oh, put whatever adjective you find apropos here....attention.

Big Name Celebrity - 2009-10-15

kingarthur- Getting him drag-raped at The Oz is just going to let him justify his bullshit. Take him to Good Friends. It'll be worse for him because they'll make him like it.

dora's cough - 2009-10-14

when is nuglah going to cover this

Beyonce Knowles - 2009-10-14

twinks are gross!

zatojones - 2009-10-14


TeenerTot - 2009-10-14

My favorite part is when they ditch the two other guys in Brooklyn at two in the morning.

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