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Desc:For supervillians who feel the need to ornament their evil pipe organ music with honking and sirens.
Category:Science & Technology, Arts
Tags:the french, Honk Honk, evil pipe organs, synth hell
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Comment count is 9
chumbucket - 2010-01-27

savoir-faire is everywhere

Riskbreaker - 2010-01-27

Evil mask not included.

yourmother - 2010-01-27

Maybe I'm missing something here...

+1 because it's a reasonably cool instrument, but what's makes an organ for accompanying silent movies a "secret weapon" or "for supervillains"?

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2010-01-27

6:23... ok but hows he gonna make the noise thats coming up?
Oh no fucking way.

pastorofmuppets - 2010-01-27

For people who want all the crazy stuff that the Triton, et al can do but have more money than time.

phalsebob - 2010-01-27

This is an amazing instrument for 1986.

baleen - 2010-01-28

I just watched Dolls, which was released in 1987, and I'm pretty sure they used this thing for the soundtrack.

pastorofmuppets - 2010-01-28

I bet you they used one of those Herbie Hancock keyboards that require a separate person to monitor the reactor temperature.

MrBuddy - 2010-01-28

So we have Quasimodo in the Middle Ages, which lead to French church organs, which lead to French silent movie organs, which lead to French accordion music, which lead to Jean Michel Jarre, which lead to Daft Punk. Am I seeing a pattern here?

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